I love my girl best friends. They're amazing and I wouldn't trade them for anything. However, I'm lucky enough to have two of my best friends be guys. Guy best friends have advantages that girl best friends just don't have, so here is 10 reasons why guy best friends can be better than having girl best friends.
1. They listen to your problems and can give objective advice
While girl best friends have been hearing about this problem from the beginning and have some emotional investment in the matter, guy best friends will be able to give you advice that is more objective and will know if you're being completely irrational.
2. They give really good hugs
If I haven't seen my male best friend in a long time I will run and jump on him with a big hug. If I tried to do that with my roommate she'd probably fall over.
3. They know you'll get your way
You want a rom-com and your girl best friend wants a drama? You won't end up watching everything. You want a rom-com and your guy best friend wants an action movie? You watch a rom-com.
4. They'll always walk you home
Walking back to your dorm at night when you're a small girl is kinda scary. Luckily my guy best friends will walk me back from their place, no matter how far away it is.
5. You'll always have a date to any formal*
Even if you don't have that special someone, you'll never have to worry about going alone.
*This also applies to Orthodox shabbats.
6. You'll always have someone to watch football with
My girl best friend barely knows what a touchdown is, and refuses to watch football even when her family are huge football fans. But when I'm with my guy besties they're always down to watch football or hockey with me.
7. There's nobody who looks better in these festive Christmas vests... And although they may not like this pic, they still let me post it
The best part is they're Jewish!
8. They can always make you laugh, even when your female friends can't
Even if it means pieing them in the face, they'll do anything to make you laugh.
9. They'll be your wingmen if you're their wingwoman
Hey ladies, they're single!
10. They've always got your back
You never have to worry about them being fake friends. You know that they're your true friends and they'll always be there for you.