1. Let's face it ladies, we love the chase!
Everyone knows the saying, "You want what you can't have." This could apply to anything, but especially boys. When you decide to chase a boy you end up sweating in places you don't want to sweat. But, yet, we keep running after them. The worst part is, right when you start to catch up and all your hard work is finally going to be rewarded, you decide to take a break. You realize the challenge of running a whole marathon when you've been training for negative two minutes is actually enjoyable and has a little bit of a thrill.
2. You want to be the girl that changes him.
Do you want to be the Sandy to a Danny? Kate to a John Tucker? Claire to a John Bender? Sadly, except for very special circumstances, it's never really like the movies. We all grow up hearing, "People don't change!" But, we want the bad boy to change for us. We want to be their salvation if you will. We want to feel like we are worth the change, that we are good enough and better than every other girl who has tried to change that boy before us. And maybe they do change...for five minutes.
3. They reel you in then spit you out.
A bad boy is like a venti double chocolate chip frappuccino with extra whip to white girls. How, you may ask? Well, you crave it, think about it all the time, want it so bad, but you know in the end it's not good for you and just going to make you gain five pounds. The frap is just going to end up pulling you until you suck out every last drop. You want more so bad, but there's nothing left to give. No happiness, no satisfaction, just a lousy stomach ache.
4. Bad boys give the idea of protection.
The one thing bad boys are: badasses.
Example #1: Throwing a punch at a boy two feet away from you.
Example #2: Throwing a punch at a boy who's just a friend, but gets a little too close at a party.
Example #3: Throwing a punch because he just feels like it.
What do these three examples have in common? Bad boys don't give a flying frittata about the rules. They just don't care, which makes them super easy going. Of course, girls fall even harder for a guy they feel can protect them. We feel as if this guy can be our backbone when we don't have one. That they would do anything for us. Be our rock. It sounds like the perfect guy in the moment, but in the long run, think about this. Do you want a guy that will skip school to eat Chick Fil' A, or a guy who studies his butt off and becomes CEO of Chick Fil' A?
5. One word: Mystery.
Constantly wondering what a boy is doing or thinking about can consume a girl's mind. Then, after you start wondering if they are thinking about you, you turn into a crazy person and wonder if they are thinking the same thing you are thinking. You want them to help justify why your thinking about them so much. And so this cycle repeats and star to take over your mind and actions.
6. They don't want you, but they don't want you with anyone else.
This reason speaks for itself, 'nuff said.
7. They lead you on.
Arguably the worst reason why girls are attracted to the bad boys. Because once you fall for them, it is extremely hard to get out. But, eventually, you do and right when you start to lick your wounds again..BAM. A Snapchat from him appears on your phone. Oh look, he liked your Instagram. Wait...oh no...he texted you the classic, "Hey, whats up." We all know you can't help yourself at this point. So you shoot back a "hey" text and say you're not giving in this time. We all know how the story ends. You get hope you could be with him, he doesn't change, you think you deserve better, end things, get back together, end things, get back together, end things...by the 18783601207489th time you think we would learn? Nope.
8. They are always the life of the party.
PSA: If you are looking for a bad boy: You can catch them at rowdy parties, usually half-naked, Burnett's in hand, catching the party on "fire" with their lit music, and giving every girl in the room a little bit of attention.
9. Confidence is key.
Bad boys are confident. Or cocky. Either way, girls don't like the boy who gives you everything you want. Nice boys are just too easy. We like to work for it a little bit. Like I mentioned before, we enjoy the chase.
10. A spicy relationship.
Every relationship needs a little spice. If a relationship is all rainbows and flowers, that can get boring. Girls enjoy the fun and enjoyment of doing something new and bad boys always have something fun to offer. This keeps the relationship interesting. Also, in secret, girls love to win fights. Our competitive nature, c'mon! We just can't help ourselves, even when we're the ones completely in the wrong.