I, luckily, was born exactly three years, three months, and nine days before the best brother on earth. We grew up together, as best friends who sometimes almost killed each other, and I wouldn't have had it any other way. Now I'm here to tell you why you should appreciate the little brother you have (or wish you had).
1. You have a best friend for life.
You never know who is going to stick around in your life for certain. But you know what they say about blood being thicker than water, and I can attest to that. I have no doubt that when times get tough, I'll have my little brother to come to the rescue no matter how far from him I have strayed.
2. You have someone to keep secrets with.
Trust me, things are so much more fun when Mom and Dad don't know. (It won't hurt them.)
3. You get to pass down advice since you did it all first.
School, dating, driving, college. You basically paved the way for your little sibling. You had to break in your parents by doing everything first, including getting caught for doing the things you knew you shouldn't have been doing. You may still not know what the hell you're doing, but at least sometimes you can tell your little brother what not to do. I also apologize for the fact that all your high school teachers either hate you because they hated me first, or hate you because they loved me and wish that you were me.
4. You can recognize yourself in someone else.
I'm unsure that there is a closer bond than siblings because there is no one else so similar to yourself. My brother and I once stood side by side in front of the mirror and took note of how each of our facial features mirrored the facial features of the other. We came to the conclusion that we have the exact same nose. (It looks better on me -- sorry, Carter.) We speak the same way, have the same political views, you name it. In so many ways, we are a variation of one another.
5. You have someone to fight with that has to love you anyway.
Your parents will always love you after a fight too, but they can actually punish you for being a smart-ass. Your sibling kind of just has to take it. All those times you were in a bad mood and screamed at them for no reason? Yeah, they will probably be over it in like five minutes.
6. You don't have to worry about them borrowing your clothes.
I am such a freak about letting people borrow my stuff, so this one is actually a huge plus for me. And even though they can't wear your clothes, you can still most definitely steal theirs. All those big comfy T-shirts and sweatshirts? I've attempted to steal all of them at least once.
7. You don't ever have to be lonely.
I am horrible at being lonely. I love to be social and be around others pretty much 24/7, and I am definitely guilty of coercing my little brother to stay up late and watch TV with me so I wouldn't have to be by myself.
8. You have someone that sees all of you and loves you anyway.
Besides your parents, that is. Your little brother sees you at your ugliest, sees your weird side (like secretly loving HGTV), and wants to be friends with you anyway.
9. You get to watch someone grow up.
Sometimes, I look back at my brother's baby pictures and feel like there is no way he's the same kid who is now 16 and getting his driver's license (yes, you should avoid the roads). It never gets old watching someone grow into who they are going to be.
10. You have a built-in partner in crime (for life).
I've already utilized this part of his job description more times than I can count, and we aren't done growing up yet. If I ever need anyone to do anything from tearing it up at a football tailgate (without Mom and Dad's permission) to helping me hide a body, it's all you, little bro. Thanks.