Believe it or not, guys and girls can be “just friends” and nothing more; crazy thought, right?
If you’re lucky enough, you will meet a guy who will always have your back no matter what and will support you in every sticky situation you get yourself into.
I was lucky enough to meet my best guy friend in fifth grade. However, I hated him when I first met him, made fun of him, told him he smelled and never wanted him to hang out with the girls.
As for today, I can’t imagine my life without him and have discovered the true meaning of a love/hate relationship. I am a firm believer that every girl should have a guy best friend because mine is the best.
Here are 10 reasons why guy best friends are essential to any girl’s life.
1. Girls always need "dude" advice.
Who better to go to for advice about boys than the boys themselves? Because you’re so close, he can’t pass any judgments on the questions you ask, and always has your best interest in mind, even though sometimes you doubt that whole-heartedly.
2. They will never judge you for eating a lot.
If you’re craving a McChicken or ice cream at 1 a.m., they’re your first call because you know there is no way they will turn down a chance to eat more food. For the times you're having a bad day, they will always be down to buy that gallon of ice cream and eat every single ounce of it.
3. He won't get annoyed when the commonly-asked “Are you dating?” question arises.
Believe it or not, he actually enjoys when this question arises because he likes to make the person asking it feel uncomfortable as the two of you laugh to yourself at the thought of actually being a couple and thinking, “We would murder each other if we ever became a couple.”
4. He will step in as your bodyguard/boyfriend when needed.
However, when all the creeps come out to play, he will be the first one to find you at the bar and step in as your boyfriend for the night to protect you from all the weirdos out there. The same goes for you, too. You know how insane girls can be, and you have to return the favor of stepping in as his girlfriend as an excuse to escape the crazy girls in this world.
5. You will always have a "plus one."
Don’t have a date to a wedding or dance? No problem, they’re your go-to because you know you will have an absolute blast with them, and almost feel that even if you did have a significant other, you would pick your guy best friend because you guys will kill it on the dance floor.
6. They will be brutally honest, and that's what girls need.
When you’re going through your first breakup, they won’t tell you that it’s just a phase, or that you will get back together, or that he will realize what he did wrong and what he’s missing. They will tell you that it wasn’t meant to be and you need to pick yourself up because you look like crap. Then they will proceed to drag you off the couch, tell you that this will not ruin your weekend, and force you to have a good time with all of your friends.
7. They will tell you how ugly you really are.
Like stated above, they have no problem telling you that you look like you just got hit by a bus and need to get your life together. However, on those Friday and Saturday nights when you actually decide to replace the leggings with jeans, they will still tell you that you look ugly, but that is just their way of telling you that they can’t believe you actually look like a girl for once. Is that make-up I see?
8. They will listen to all the little things you complain about.
Even though they couldn’t care less about the drama between you and your roommates or best friend, they will patiently sit in the car with you and politely nod their head as you vent, run a few stop signs and almost hit a few deer.
9. They will accept you and all your weirdness.
You can be your complete self around them, and they may not claim you when you when you’re out in public, but deep down they know they are just as weird and quirky as you are, so they are basically obligated to accept you because they are partly responsible for your weird personality.
10. They will always be there for you as a constant in your life.
They will always be there for you in the end, no matter where life takes you, and you couldn’t be more thankful that over the years they have become such an important figure in your life. No matter how much it pains you to admit it, you love them.