​10 Reasons Why Emma Watson Inspires Me
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​10 Reasons Why Emma Watson Inspires Me

She’s so much more than just Hermione… although Hermione is pretty cool too.

​10 Reasons Why Emma Watson Inspires Me
Washington Times

For a while now, Emma Watson has been one of my heroes. Aside from being a phenomenal actor, she truly strives to be a role model for people all over the world. With the live-action Beauty and the Beast coming up, she has been getting some extra press, so I've decided to compile a list of the 10 things I admire most about this amazing woman:

1. She uses her acting roles to inspire others.

Through playing iconic roles such as Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter series, Emma decided to try and show women that they can be feminine, beautiful and a warrior all at the same time. She has also refused to change her body for certain roles because she wants to portray a healthy image of beauty.

2. She loves to learn.

In addition to a super successful acting career, Watson graduated from Brown University in 2014 with a B.A. in English Literature (the best major ever, if I do say so myself). She told reporters, “I love having something completely unrelated to the film industry. I want to find something that will let me use my brain in another way," emphasizing the value of education regardless of popularity or career.

3. She has accomplished amazing things as UN Women's Good Will Ambassador.

Emma Watson launched the #HeForShe campaign in September 2014 at the United Nations headquarters in New York, making feminism an issue for all people in every area of the world. Since then, she has met with influential voices on gender equality from around the world.

4. She kindly promotes social justice and her passion is contagious.

She is very passionate and stands strong for what she believes, yet she also is very respectful of other people and their ideological differences. Emma Watson is very well known for being outspoken when it comes to women's rights, though she approaches feminism as the right of a woman to choose what she believes and who she wants to be – not as a label for women who ascribe to a fixed set of ideological rules. I find that refreshing and lovely.

5. She loves books.

Did you know she started a book club on Goodreads? It's called Our Shared Shelf and specifically highlights books about equality. Also, as if that wasn't glorious enough, sometimes Emma leaves books on the subway to be picked up and read by whomever happens to be around.

6. She is fashion goals.

Emma Watson has such a classy, comfortable and fun sense of style. What's more, she has a passion for fair trade, environmentally friendly fashion that can be re-worn for a multitude of occasions.

7. She is redefining what it means to be a celebrity.

She knows that millions of eyes are watching her, and she lives every day trying to be a good role model. In everything she does, she has sought to encourage to hopeless, build up the broken and challenge us all to live in the mindset that we can truly change the world.

8. She's still figuring it all out.

When she was eleven, she was cast as Hermione. In an interview with Porter magazine, Emma reflected, "[I've] spent spent more than half of my life pretending to be someone else." Now she's in her mid-twenties and she's still figuring out what it means to have courage and to be herself. It's encouraging to know that even Emma Watson is still figuring her life out.

9. She’s the best kind of princess.

Belle has been one of my favorite princesses ever, and I cannot wait to see Emma Watson's portrayal of the iconic character. Emma refused to wear a corset for filming, reflecting that it would be in conflict with Belle's free spirit and active lifestyle. The live-action Beauty and the Beast comes to theaters March 16, 2017!

10. She is unashamedly herself.

Overall, Emma Watson has inspired so many people to stand up for themselves. Naturally, I don't agree with absolutely everything Watson believes, but I truly admire her thoughtful integrity and her courage to stand up for her convictions regardless of other peoples' opinions. Also, watch this video of her cell phone going off during an interview; it makes me smile!

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