The time has come. Oh yeah, I'm talking about those Oscar nominations.
First and foremost, I want everyone to know that I love both Deadpool and Suicide Squad, however I love Deadpool a little bit more. Don't give me that look, honestly. It causes wrinkles and your face will be frozen like that forever. Honestly, please smile. Ah, that's better.
Shall I go into the 10 Reasons why Deadpool needs an Oscar more than Suicide Squad?
You heard him, queue up that Deadpool Soundtrack and read this. It'll enhance the experience. Trust me. Also, make sure you enjoy Wham!
1 Deadpool is pansexual anti-hero who goes through a lot in both the comics and the movie.
Yep, that’s right. Deadpool is pansexual and it's canon in the movie along with it being canon in the comics. Having a sexual orientation that no one has ever seen on screen, is legendary. What about Harley Quinn being Bisexual? That’s more important and we won't be seeing in the movies Let me stop you right there because two things. One, both representations of Pansexual & Bisexual are important. Both sexualities are getting ignored by the media and often don’t portray them correctly. Where is your evidence? Oh sweet, kind person. The proof is in the pudding, dig a little bit deeper, I'm sure you'll find it. Two, Harley is bisexual in the comic books, it's canon and it's going to be more canon and represented in her stand alone movie.
2 Deadpool breaks the fourth wall. A lot. Like he does in the comic books.
Lets be honest, its freaken' awesome and I don't see Suicide Squad doing that. Do you? I didn't think so. Is there another superhero like that? NO, because only Deadpool can pull off breaking the fourth wall.
3. Ryan Freaken' Reynolds FOUGHT for years to get the rights for a Deadpool movie and the condition was that it would be a R-rated movie. He also made up for the time that Wolverine Origins screwed up.
He also took home the Deadpool suit, knowing that he earned the suit.
How incredible was the makeup for Deadpool? BEYOND INCREDIBLE. Look how amazing the makeup team got every detail of how Wade's skin looks after being tortured and put through many tests. And Ryan Reynolds pulls it off.
What does Suicide Squad do? Slaps white foundation on both Jared Leto and Margot Robbie. Yeah, I see you makeup team and I am beyond ashamed. (Remember, I still like Suicide Squad, but I love Deadpool more. Sorry not sorry.)
5. Vanessa. Freaken' Vanessa.
Who didn't play the stereotypical character girlfriend and who wasn't ashamed of her profession. Also, let me remind you that Wade never shamed her for her profession. Also, she got a punch in as well.
You go Girlfriend.
Although, don't watch if you're under the age of 17 or get sick easily and if you haven't seen the movie.
7. The fact that this whole movie takes place in the same universe as X-men and the fact that there's a line where Deadpool says that studio couldn't afford another X-Men. Along with the line at the beginning of the movie about the situation in the Wolverine Origins..
8. The fact Ryan Reynolds showed off more male nudity than women nudity speaks for itself.
We live in times where its basically women nudity that gets shown in movies and TV shows. Thank you Ryan Reynolds for taking one for the team and show us your ass.
(I'm not going to put a gif of his ass, because lets be real. It'd break the internet and something terrible would happen. I'm not going to risk that.)
9. The lines in the movie.
TALK ABOUT EPIC. Beyond epic, that is, and I cannot say more on the subject because I can't compare to the writer's words.
Okay, since the movie was coming out around Valentine's Day, (the marketing team should've gotten a raise) many had thought that Deadpool was a romantic movie. Let's be honest, this could've been a romantic comedy with an billboard like this:
Along with the ridiculous commercials that Ryan Reynolds had done as Deadpool, should be enough reason why the movie should've gotten an Oscar Nom. How did Suicide Squad promo, you asked? Unfortunately I don't know.
Also, reminder that Suicide Squad was feeling threatened by the success of Deadpool that they had to do reshoots to make it more funny.
I hope you're enjoying your HotTopic Days again. Unless you are a fan of Deadpool and are mad about Deadpool not earning an Oscar nomination, I'm with you there.