Every college student can hardly wait for the moment finals are over. The countless hours of studying spent in the library, the many cups of coffee we drink in order to pull an "all-nighter," and the stress of having last minute projects and tests sneak up on us is enough to make us wish for the last day of the semester to come as quick as it can. However, we forget to realize that once finals are over, so is our "college life." After our first year of college, most freshman return back home for the summer. I quickly began to realize the downfalls of having to come back home after spending two semesters out on my own.
1. You don't get to live with your best friends anymore.
Your roommate is "your person" and now you don't get to see them every day. Loneliness has crept in.
2. Your parents can be suffocating.
You've gone so long without having to answer to anyone, that now having to tell your parents your every move is annoying.
3. Work.
Some students cannot have jobs during the school year because of class, but in the summer there is plenty of time for a job, unfortunately.
4. Summer classes.
If you do happen to be taking summer classes, you know how impossible it is to actually care about a class when all you really want to do is spend the day at the pool or lake.

5. Nights out with your college family every week are no more.
Most of your best friends are from different towns. It's hard to find time to all meet together.
6. Your room at home isn't even your room anymore.
What is this place?
7. There isn't enough capacity in your room at home to hold all of the stuff you accumulated while at college.
I have enough Chi Omega t-shirts to clothe an army.
8. There is NOTHING to do.
Life seems so boring without having your college friends to hangout with wherever or whenever. Who are you supposed to go to Whataburger with at three in the morning?
9. You happen to see all of those people from your hometown who you secretly hoped to never see again.
Don't lie, everyone has those people.
10. You have to answer this question multiple times: "How was school, are you glad to be back home for the summer?"
Sweet summertime, please, please, PLEASE end quickly. Get me back to college.