Christina Yang from Grey's Anatomy is arguably one of the most lovable characters on TV. She is sassy, brilliant, and inspiring. I believe that deep down, we all have a little bit of Christina Yang within us. Here's why.
1. She's brilliant and she knows it.
Christina knows that looks aren't everything. She takes pride in her intelligence and she isn't afraid to flaunt it. We all have that one thing we love about ourselves. We need to embrace our inner Christina and flaunt it.
2. She's super competitive.
Just look at that crazy determination in her eyes as she scarfs down two hot dogs just to prove she can. Christina will never strive for anything other than 1st place and we should all do the same.
3. She loves food.
Her priorities are clearly straight. Food above everything.
4. She knows when to just dance it out.
Sometimes life throws things at you that can't be explained or understood. Sometimes you're in a situation where no kind words or advice can help you. In moments like these, we all need to be a little more like Christina and just dance it out.
5. She's innovative and fun.
Let's just all appreciate the fact that she brought a flask to a baseball game and hid it in her mitt to make things a little more fun and interesting. If we all took this approach to life, there would never be a dull moment.
6. She also fears being alone.
Even though Christina is this confident bad ass, she also has a soft side too. And just like the rest of us, she doesn't want to end up alone.
7. She too suffers from RBF.
We're actually friendly people deep down, sometimes we just look like we want to punch you.
8. She knows how to give tough love.
Sometimes being nice and babying someone just won't get the job done. Christina knows how to give tough love and motivate someone without being TOO mean. We could all take a cue or two from her.
9. She's an amazing friend.
The friendship between Christina and Meredith is one for the books. Christina knows how make sacrifices and always be there for her friends. She knows how to pick her friends back up, remind them of who they are, and push them to be even better. We should all strive to be a friend like Christina.
10. She's just straight up awesome.
She's smart, talented, and confident. Even though she is basically perfection and you want to hate her for it, you can't help but love her.
So yes, I believe we all have a little bit of Christina Yang inside of us, some maybe more so than others. Be proud of it because as I've already said, she's pretty awesome.