Springtime. Flowers, longer days, baby animals- what's not to love? If you ask me, a lot. I never really caught onto the whole "spring fever" thing. As someone with mild to severe allergies and a love for hot beach days I'm sure you'll agree. Here's some things that make me not like spring.
1. I can't breathe -- ever.
As much as I'd like to enjoy the beautiful weather, It's difficult to do when there's yellow clouds stuffing up the air. Shout out to the people without allergies that can go outside and read a book- I envy you, lend me your nostrils.
2. People get out of control when it gets to 60 degrees.
Now, I love my shorts and crop-tops as much as the next person, but I also love being warm when there's still frost on the grass in the morning. The first warm day everyone loses their minds. I promise you, summer is coming up next.
3. Everything is suddenly yellow.
Black car? Nope, not anymore. Prepare for the yellow-green film to stick on to your car any day now. But don't bother washing your car, because it'll be back tomorrow.
4. The birds are back.
You know those few deep hours of sleep you get right before you wake up in the morning? Well prepare for every bird alive to start singing right then and there.
5. So are the inch worms.
I've been absolutely terrified of those little green inch worms ever since I was little. Silly to think about I know but as a girl with thick hair that it's an actual nightmare to walk under some trees with these little guys hanging around.
6. Hanging baskets are suddenly made out of gold.
Maybe it's because I don't have a green thumb, but I never understood why everyone goes insane over hanging baskets. Have you bought yours, yet? Where are you putting them? I plan on hanging them from my side view mirrors this year, thank you.
7. I never know how to dress.
I'll admit, it's hard to remember what 65 degrees feels like. Do I fold up my jeans? Can I get away with this dress without a cardigan? Who knows, it might be 70 degrees at noon and then 50 by 5 p.m.
8. Allergy medication.
Nothing says spring like slipping into a nice coma because you just took your allergy medication. Listen, if any season requires me to take drugs to survive, it's automatically not my favorite.
9. People sneeze everywhere.
Few things are worse than hearing someone blow their nose right next to you. Don't fight me on this.
10. People forget how to drive.
Spring time is a great time to travel, but it doesn't mean drive like you just got your license an hour ago. Blinkers still exist, I promise.