Whether you are having the best day of your life, or just bombed the most important test of the semester, your sister's are always there to support you and help you get back on your feet. Growing up the youngest in a family of five girls, it's easy for me to say that having big sisters is probably the best thing that could happen to someone, and here's why:
1. She's known you longer than anyone else.
Besides your parents, your sister's have known you longer than anybody else. Kind of scary to think about, right? This means she knows your goods, your bads, and yes, your uglies. But don't worry! She still loves you anyways.
2. She didn't judge you during your awkward phase.
Middle school, braces, and blue eyeshadow. I'll leave it at that.
3. You can scream at each another one minute and be laughing the next.
The beauty about arguing with sisters is they HAVE to forgive you, because they're family. The ugly fights about literally nothing soon turn into giggle fits because hey, that's what sisters do.
4. You get to be aunts for each other's children.
I've already hit this milestone with two of my sister's, and it seriously is the most precious thing. To see someone you grow up with make life is so surreal, and to be an aunt is super exciting.
5. You're guaranteed to be a bridesmaid in the wedding.
We've all heard the treacherous stories of having to wear an ugly bridesmaids dress for your sister's wedding. I hope we can break this trend.
6. She helps you with your boy problems.
Whether you're crying over a breakup or giggling over a newfound crush, your sister is always there to listen to every detail. She is also there to threaten your boyfriend so he won't hurt you. Sister's can be very scary, watch out boys.
7. You always have a partner in crime.
Some days you just need to eat some chicken nuggets and not be judged for it, can I get an amen?
8. She was the guinea pig so I didn't have to be.
Everyone knows the oldest child gets hit with the most rules, leaving the youngest to cruise along. Thanks for taking one for the team guys.
9. She doesn't let you settle.
It doesn't matter if its about a boy, a college, or a life choice. A sister encourages you to do what is best for YOU, and she won't let you get away with settling for less than you deserve.
10. You are just alike, yet complete opposites.
I monogram everything I own, one likes Harry Potter, and another is obsessed with camo hats and fish hooks. Whether you're twinsies or complete opposites, you can bond over the fact that you're family.
So whether you get to see them once a day, or once every two years, be thankful for your lifelong chicken nugget buddies, and more importantly your lifelong best-friends.