This time of year provides many opportunities for couples to enjoy having a significant other including family gatherings, holiday parties, and the downtime in between. But, we all know that the perks of being in a relationship throughout the holidays come with the potential for some really awkward moments. Being single over the holidays makes it easy to avoid these awkward moments, but that isn’t the only benefit of riding solo.
1. You know for a fact that you won’t get dumped on Christmas Day.
2. Who knows, you might end up meeting the love of your life?
At least that’s what Hallmark wants you to believe. In more realistic terms, there are plenty of chances for you to meet someone new throughout your holiday adventures.
3. Instead of buying a gift for your significant other, treat yourself.
You deserve it for putting up with your ex for so long.
4. You don’t have to spend time thinking of the “perfect gift”
Or pretending like you love the one you are given.
5. There’s a zero percent chance that you’ll have to endure that moment
When you realize that his family is completely insane and he will probably turn out the same way.
6. You won’t have to attend awkward family meals as a couple
Where you’ll likely be forced to fabricate a story of how you met or attempt to justify your use of Tinder.
7. Speaking of family get-togethers:
You can forget dress clothes and make-up, wear your pajamas so you’re ready to nap as soon as you get back home.
8. The avoidance of all serious relationship talk.
I can’t even legally drink…you really think I’m going to get married anytime soon?
9. Not a single one of your 14 Instagram posts include a significant other
Which means that there’s no chance you’ll have to delete them after a breakup.
10. You want to go out and have fun? Do it.
You want to stay home all day and binge-watch the series you’ve already seen 4 times? Do it. You’re not tied down to anyone or obligated to spend time with one person…enjoy doing whatever makes you happy with the people you cherish most. After all, isn’t that what the holidays are all about?