Being broke in college seems like it is "supposed" to happen. We're not decorating our dorm rooms with beautiful paintings and items that we think would look great in our parents' house. However, when you duct tape a hole in your couch for the seventh time, still thinking that no one will notice, things do cross your mind about how it would be great to have a little bit more resources lying around. And I'm not saying that money = happiness, and that we need it in order to have a better life. But, there is something nice about not having to compare prices of paper towels at the grocery store. I've compiled a list of thoughts college students have as they realize they are nothing but broke.
1. Your friends will ask you to do an activity that sounds amazing, but then you realize how much it costs.
2. Going to the mall is now referred to as simply "window shopping."
3. You are stuck in the continuous problem of not wanting to share your food, but getting mad when your friends don't share theirs.
4. You walk into stores and realize that there are no sales going on, so you walk in, smile awkwardly at the salesperson, then turn and walk right back out.
5. When your parents come to visit, you still have a great time, but you feel all nervous inside because you know at the end of the conversation you're going to try to find some natural way to bring up the fact that you need money.
6. Your idea of treating yourself has become finding the nearest fast food stop.
7. And even when you do have a job, that money is immediately spent on un-fun things.
8. You are never able to do this:
9. And when you try to budget, it seems like every store that you love is sending you emails with sales and deals inside them.
10. But, in the end, you are content with your ramen noodle dinners and your economizing, because it is making you a stronger, more street-smart individual. So keep clipping those coupons, everyone!