Every October after the final World Series game is played, I start the countdown until pitchers and catchers report. I enjoy basketball, football is alright, and soccer isn't bad, but nothing compares to the game of baseball. I could watch or talk about baseball for hours; and the cold, boring days of winter are that much worse because baseball is not on TV, on my social media feed, or being talked about as frequently in everyday conversation.
Baseball is a game of both physical and mental skill, requiring outstanding physical strength and mental capacity. Here are a few reasons why baseball is the greatest sport of all time:
1. “It ain’t over till it’s over.”
There is no running out the clock in baseball. The only way to preserve a win is to play, and that makes for some of the most interesting and exciting comebacks in sports. In 2010 when the Braves played the Reds, a game I remember watching with my dad very well, it was hard to believe that the Braves, who were down by six and going into the bottom of ninth, pulled in seven runs to win the game. But then again, it shouldn't be too difficult to believe because the structure of baseball makes that kind of stuff possible with each game. No stalling in baseball, it's total effort to earn each out.
2. Baseball has the most versatile athletes.
Baseball players play equal parts of offensive and defensive roles. Players not only exhibit an exceptional physical performance but mental performance too. They demonstrate mental agility and concentration, physical adaptability, and power. I believe that some of the best baseball players today can be competitors in nearly any sport, but other top athletes would not have a very long pro baseball career, just ask Michael Jordan.
3. Baseball's extensive history.
Besides baseball producing some of the greatest athletes of all time, like Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig, baseball helped unite racial differences. Professional sports were once divided by color and communities internally by race. Although people were segregated, they shared one common interest: their love of baseball. It wasn't until Jackie Robinson's professional debut that the color barrier had been broken in professional sports. Eight years into his career, the Civil Rights Movement ignited. Many historians believe that Jackie Robinson's introduction into America's pastime paved the way for the movement's ignition.
4. Star players will only do so much -- you play as a team in baseball, or you lose.
We are all familiar with Lebron James, Alexander Ovechkin and Lionel Messi. In most professional sports, one all-star can easily be the difference between a blowout victory or a devastating loss. In a baseball game, no matter how well your mega-star plays you are not guaranteed a win. No solo player can consistently carry their team to victory without help. Perfect games and no hitters do not happen without the infield and outfield supporting the pitcher.
5. Baseball has Mike Trout
Enough said.
6. It's the classiest sport.
Baseball players are confident, but overwhelmingly humble. That's not to say everybaseball player is not arrogant, but you tend to find more show-off's and conceited players in football and basketball. The uniforms of baseball players just look classier, too. And one of the most classy athletes of all time, Derek Jeter, has represented baseball in the most accurate fashion. Baseball has countless players who serve as perfect examples of humility, class, and poise.
7. It's a summertime sport.
No freezing and bundling up during January for a baseball game! Baseball runs through spring, summer, and into the early months of the fall. A baseball game on a beautiful summer day is for everyone, regardless of one's knowledge of or feelings towards the game. The sunny environment adds to the perfect stadium backdrop, along with the feel good ambiance the stadium radiates. And nothing beats a late September, under-the-lights playoff game.
8. Little League
If you've ever spent a weekend at a little league, you know how exciting the atmosphere could be. Baseball is such a universally loved sport that little league teams from all over the world compete in a televised World Series.9. It's America's past time.
"Baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet."
10. Baseball players are always the best looking.
In addition to baseball players being supreme athletes, they're not bad looking either!