1. Sleeping
There are many reasons why anxiety sucks, but this is number one on my list, because sleep is extremely crucial to me. Anxiety can cause you to sleep to much or not at all. There will be days that I could sleep for hours and still be tired. Some days I could be extremely tired but not sleep at all.
2. Eating
Everybody loves to eat, however, with anxiety comes not being able to eat or overeating. With myself, I could go days without eating, because I am either not hungry, or if I do eat, I throw it up. Eating becomes a daily struggle in the life of someone with anxiety.
3. Medicine
For those of you who have found medicine to help your anxiety, I am so happy for you! Some of us, however, have been searching for years to try and find just the right fight. Medicine and food go hand-in-hand, because some medicine makes you upset to your stomach or makes you not want to eat.
4. Panic Attacks
Panic attacks can be one of the worst aspects of anxiety. It effects all of us differently. Panic attacks can come whenever they feel like it. A few common side effects of a panic attack are: heavy breathing or not being able to breath, heart racing, and an overwhelming sense of fear. Being able to not control your body is a horrible feeling.
5. Shaking
Some people experience this, however not all do. In my daily life, I shake constantly. This can come from your constant sense of fear or lack, lack of eating, or many other factors. Shaking is hard for your day-to-day life. It impacts everything you do with your hands, which is almost everything you do.
6. Driving
Driving can be a constant struggle for people suffering from anxiety. For those who do not have anxiety, it is stressful. There is a constant state of worrying while driving. If you shake, this can also impact your driving extremely.
7. Constant State of Worry
With anxiety comes a constant state of worry. This worrying can be lead by many different things. Some people with anxiety worry about one single thing constantly. (finances, health, etc.) However, some people with anxiety can worry about things that can be seen as insignificant by others. An example of this could be a constant question of "Did I lock my car?" even though, you know you locked it three times. Until that person goes back to their car, they are unsure and worried the whole day.
8. Nausea/ Dizziness
Living in a constant state of nausea or dizziness is very unsettling. This correlates with many of the other things listed. Feeling like this can make one's day be not very welcoming.
9. Tense Muscles
Do you ever feel like your back or your shoulder constantly hurt? You've been to the chiropractor, specialists, and other medical professionals to see whats wrong. If you have anxiety, this is a major factor of it for some. Personally, I will wake up everyday feeling sore or aching. When feeling like this, it makes a lot of activities harder throughout the day.
10. Irritability
Finally, this is one that effects me majorly. My constant feeling of irritability makes me a less pleasant person to be around. This can effect one's relationships with people. Irritability is a constant state of feeling irritated. This can be by someone or something.
All of these things suck and there are plenty of things more that could be added to the list; however, these tend to be the most common among others. If you are suffering from anxiety and feel this way, I hope you get better. To those of you reading this list and have some of the symptoms, but have not been diagnosed, please seek help from a medical professional.
We do not have to alone in this. We can fight this battle together, and hopefully, one day, mental health will be taken more seriously around the world.
If you need help during a panic attack please call this number to speak with someone: 1-800-64 (PANIC)