1.) Family from across the country (or just across the street) all come together to celebrate and spend time with one another--which is really what I think the holidays are about anyways.
There's nothing like seeing your favorite Aunt Sally come home from Virginia to celebrate a holiday, especially after not seeing her for a long time. Coming home for the holidays is something that always warms the heart.
2.) When Grandma makes her famous *insert holiday dish here* and brings it to dinner.
You can't tell me you don't get a little excited when you see your grandmother walk through the door with a huge pan of baked macaroni and cheese or banana pudding. Food is food, y'all. That's always something to get excited about.
3.)Â Getting to dress nice just to unwrap presents
Everyone has dressed up nice at least once to sit down and unwrap Christmas presents. Whether it be that really nice dress you've been wanting to wear for the past two months or that really expensive shirt you got from Jos. A. Bank--you've worn it, and you looked great in it, only to be covered in festive ribbons and wrapping paper.
4.)Â Sitting at the 'Big Kid Table'
Ah, yes. After years of being forced to sit with your younger siblings and cousins, you have finally upgraded to the coveted 'Big Kid Table'--a table of throwing shade, trading family secrets, and lots and lots of laughter and inappropriate jokes--nothing fit for the 'Child's Table'.
5.) Christmas music
I find it to be impossible to be upset when listening to Christmas music. It's happy, it's soulful, it's catchy. It's something that's warm and makes people happy and makes people laugh--especially if you're listening to the isolated vocals of Mariah Carey's "All I Want For Christmas Is You".
6.) Decorating the Christmas Tree
One of the most amazing traditions of decorating the Christmas tree. What a wonderful time--with all the lights and ornaments and placing the star or angel on the tree. Slightly stressful, yes, but also very pretty. It's one of the most satisfying things to look at once if all comes together.
7.) Kissing that 'Special Somebody' under the mistletoe
Okay, so it's kinda cliche. But, it's super cute, especially if you have a significant other to do it with. Or, it could be your best friend. Or your pet. Or yourself. Whoever. Just kissing someone under the mistletoe is something cute and something everyone can do on Christmas.
8.) Remembering all the people who won't be with us this Christmas.
There's something missing during the holidays when someone passes away or someone can't make it to the party. A laugh, a smile, a witty comment. It can be sad, knowing they won't be able to be there, but we should focus on the good times rather than missing them because they're gone.
9.) Creating new family memories and traditions.
Making a yule log, unwrapping one gift before Christmas, reading 'Twas The Night Before Christmas' on Christmas Eve. These little memories and traditions are the heart and soul of what makes Christmas go round, and I love every single one of them.
10.) Appreciating everything you have
Not just all the presents you got or what was in your stocking, but appreciating the family, the memories, the traditions, the food, the bickering, the preparation. Being thankful for your family and everyone who's there, and everyone who isn't. Appreciate all that you have, because there are people in the world who don't have it nearly as well.
Happy Holidays, everybody.
Love each other. Stay safe. Love.