BoJack Horseman is a Netflix original adult cartoon about a universe where animals and humans live among each other. The main character, BoJack, is a middle-aged horse and washed up alcoholic depressive 80s sitcom actor trying to find his purpose in life again. His quirky roommate Todd, his ghost writer Diane, his dog frienemy Mr. PeanutButter and his cat agent and ex-girlfriend Princess Carolyn all try to help him to the best of their abilities. At first, this cartoon seems like something you would find on Adult Swim or Comedy Central but it is so much more than meets the eye and here are ten reasons why you should start binge watching it.
1. The animal puns
They're everywhere.
2. All the guest stars
Stephan Colbert, Daniel Radcliffe have played characters and Margo Martindale is a recurring character playing herself throughout all the seasons.
3. It talks about current issues
In one episode, the debate of how moral abortion is the running theme of the episode. It is both funny and well done.
4. Todd is the best character ever
He tries his best to be a good friend to Bojack, but he isn't perfect and makes mistakes. He's hilarious and the bromance between him and Mr.PeanutButter is total goals. Throughout the series, you get to see some major character development as well. Everyone needs a friend like Todd.
5. It makes fun of celebrity culture
Throughout the series, it pokes fun at celebrities and how they live. Like in season one, Andrew Garfield is the butt end of a lot of jokes. There's a character called "A Ryan Seacrest Type" which is basically an above average looking guy who happens to be on TV. It also brings in the fact that some celebrities lives turn for the worst, not only is BoJack's life is falling apart, so is his co-star and child actress Sarah Lynn does as well as she battles her drug addictions.
7. It's unlike any other adult cartoon
Unlike South Park or Family Guy, Bojack Horseman has a continuous storyline. The story can't be started and finished withing a twenty minute period, something that Bojack says in one episode that upsets Diane will affect the rest of the season. It continues a solid story line and doesn't leave anything behind.
8. It's relatable
Even though some of these characters aren't human, they reflect real emotions and struggles that everyday people go through.
9. It's very easily rewatchable
Rewatch it so you can catch all the hidden animal puns, and developments you missed the first time you watched it. It'll make you appreciate the show more.
10. The way this show depicts depression is amazing.
This show is both hilarious and sad. BoJack is in denial with depression and he tries to fill his void with alcohol, drugs, toxic lovers, and even an Oscar nomination and yet he can't seem to shake the whole in his heart. His friends try to help him, but conflict arises because BoJack is actually a terrible friend and manipulates those he cares about. It really gives the viewer what depression is like, and it doesn't sugar coat it. If you haven't started watching it, I suggest you do. It's a great show and I'm not just horsin' around.