This upcoming presidential election has been one of the most talked about elections in a long time. The whirlwind of political drama has been endless, but now as we come down to the wire voters need to ask themselves: Who can we trust? I know Hillary Clinton has made many mistakes and I know her need to be the “cool, hip parent” is off-putting, but what choice do we have? Here are some of the reasons you can use to justify a vote for Hillary even if you aren’t really a fan of hers.
1. Keeping the planet green.
Hillary Clinton says climate change is real and needs to be addressed. Clinton has a comprehensive plan to remedy the damage done to our planet.
2. Obama thinks she's alright.
She has been endorsed by the best president ever aka our man Barack Obama. Not only will he become someone she looks to for advice, but Clinton also has the tendency to emulate this wise man. Not to mention America's favorite grandpa, Bernie Sanders, has also endorsed Hillary as president.
3. She has a lot of experience.
Hillary Clinton has served as a senator and the secretary of state. She knows how political systems operate and she can navigate through the world that is D.C efficiently.
4. More blue seats.
The next president will likely make multiple appointments to the Supreme Court. As this branch of government has the final say it is important that we choose a president who will give this responsibility to people we can trust. Clinton, a democrat, will most likely nominate fellow democrats.
5. She has rightfully declared, “Gay rights are human rights.”
Clinton opposes using "religious freedom" to justify the refusal of services, including heathcare.
6. No more wolves on Wall Street.
Clinton’s plan to hold Wall Street accountable for the money they play with is decidedly the toughest out of all the democratic candidates.
7. Keep the blue united.
Voting for other non-trump options will split
the vote. Everyone against Donald Trump should unite behind one candidate,
Hillary Clinton. If votes get divided between her, Jill Stein or Gary Johnson
the end result will be a Trump presidency. If you don’t believe me look up the
Presidential election of 1912. The ghost of the Bull-Moose Party is warning us not to go down this path.
8. She's on the left side of the issues.
Clinton is pro-gun control, pro-choice, and anti-discrimination.
9. She’s not the Zodiac Killer….
10. She’s not Trump.
Unlike her republican opponent Hillary Clinton has values, morals, and most importantly, her sanity.