Oh, the dreaded Valentine's Day, a lonely girls worst nightmare. Although some may love it, for most, we've seen better holidays.
1. It's the "season of love."
That's not gonna work. Bae better be loving you everyday.
2. It's overly commercialized.
Pretty positive no one's preparing a month and half in advance, so who knows why the Russell Stovers hit the grounds January 1st.
3. It burns a hole in your pocket.
Roses go from 10 to 26 dollars in the course of a week.....
4. It's for Basic b****es.
Oh you got me a teddy bear and some chocolate? How thoughtful.
5. It kills the Spring Break diet.
And what real boyfriend would ever want to do that to you..
6. Boys are the worst.
This, we already knew. Sometimes they just try to hide it.
7. It's full of show offs.
Candlelit dinner? Tiffany bracelet? Well of course you have to post it on Instagram with a #bestboyfriend tag!!!
8. And fake romantics.
Their one night of the year they put in a bit more effort than usual. Things will go back to normal on the fifteenth, at least it was good while it lasted.
9. It never ends as you hoped.
It's a very stereotypical holiday, one with far too many expectations and obligations.
10. It reminds you you're single AF.
Looks like it's date night with the dogs tonight.
But still, chocolate and flowers would be greatly appreciated. Please and thank you.