1. The residence halls are far from disgusting.
They are perfect. Each and every residence hall is well taken care of by a cleaning staff that comes in daily. You can see them walking around every residence hall, carefully cleaning all the hallway and lobby areas of the dorm. Not only are they cleaned to perfection but each residence hall floor has a theme, and fun door and lobby area decorations. The themes are anywhere between Crazy cat lady and Star wars, so no matter what your interests are, there's bound to be a floor just for you.
2. There are tons of spaces on campus, perfect for studying.
No matter what building you enter at UNA, there's a perfectly comfortable study area some where in there waiting for you. You never have to go out of your way to find some peace and quiet. The Gulliot University Center, home of the UNA food court, has an upstairs study area with cushioned chairs and device charging stations. You can also find similar areas in the library, commons, residence halls, math building, the- well, you get the idea. Not only are there perfect places to study inside, but there are also plenty of places to study outside. Tons of benches and tables lay outside in quiet areas. The best part about all of these spaces, is that we don't have to sign up to use them. They are always accessible to students, no matter what.
3. We have pet lions.
Obviously this is one of the most well known things about UNA but its awesome. We literally have two lions that we can visit any time during they day. They mostly sleep and stare at all the hairless beings that stand outside of their enclosure, but if you get lucky you can get a glimpse of them playing with each other or taking a trip to walmart for a Leo and Una fan day!
4. (Almost) endless food choices.
UNA is in the phase of building new food places on campus at the Commons and Gulliot University Center. Two of the current works in progress are Panda Express (with sushi) and Moe's Southwest Grill. Both should be finished by the spring semester and will add more culture to our food selection. We currently run a Starbucks, Chick-fil-a, Burger 256 (similar to Five Guys) and an Einstein Bros. Bagels. Each restaurant listed does meal exchanges where we can use our meals rather than our dining dollars if we so please. Once Panda and Moe's open there will be a perfect place for each craving to be fulfilled.
5. Lots of free donuts.
One of the event planners at UNA really has a thing for donuts. First day of school? We got free donuts. University wide events? We got free donuts. Midterms? free donuts. Homecoming? Free donuts. Of course on some of the event days you have to search pretty hard for the donuts but they are always there to welcome you when you need them the most.
6. Its a small, compact campus
Its hard to get lost when your campus only stretches 130 acres. No matter where you are on campus you can usually see the building you need to get to. UNA makes it easy to find your way through campus by clearly posting what building is where, through signage.
7. The class sizes are perfect.
There is no class to big at UNA, allowing for good class discussions and a more tailored way of teaching. Because our professors aren't overloaded with 500 students, they can tailor the class to fit how they want to teach it, creating a stronger learning environment with more interaction. Many of the Professors create a fun and interactive environment, making class just a little more bearable for all students.
8. The stone lodge.
There is no better place in the world than the stone lodge at UNA. The stone lodge houses countless student organizations every week, putting a little piece of everyone in its four walls. It is the meeting place of sororities, frats, international groups and religious groups. To each and every group who meets within its walls, it is special. The stone lodge is just a beautiful piece of UNA's campus that stands out from the rest of campus in a way.
9. You meet some animal friends.
Not only is UNA's campus prowling with lions, it is the home of and excessive amount of squirrels and chipmunks. Those little twitchy dudes are everywhere and can be quite friendly at times. UNA is crawling with so much wild life even outside of the twitchy variety. Plenty of cats reside there as well, and often love to be pet by the students.
10. Its only a step away from downtown Florence.
Downtown Florence is home to countless boutiques, restaurants, and community events that thrive off of the business students provide for them. Many students enjoy a walk downtown, whether they be on a date, or just hanging with friends. Downtown Florence holds a lot of historical value, and is still the hub of the town.