People will always tell you that college can be the best years of your life if you chose the right school, major, and friends. However, by choosing to go to school away from home, you're making a choice that will strengthen you and teach you so much more about yourself.
Here are ten reasons why going to school away from home could be the best decision you'll ever make:
1. You are forced to reach out of your comfort zone and meet new people, even if you really don’t want too.
2. Relying on your parents becomes a distant luxury, now that they are 6 or more hours away from you. (Thank god for online banking!!)
3. You realize you should have prepared yourself with the lingo said in this new place. (For example…..what the hell is a hoagie? For those who still don’t know, it’s Philly’s version of a sub.)
4. You also realize that everyone enjoys making fun of you for your accent, and soon it becomes your permanent nickname. (My Boston accent stamped me with the beautiful nickname, Boston.)
5. You begin to find yourself enjoying time with these new people and almost dread going home for holidays because you'll miss your new friends.
6. Joining clubs seemed so stupid in high school. But, in college, they're a way to meet some new amazing people (and even get some shiny new things for your future resume!).
7. You might go through some really rough patches and dream of transferring to a school closer to your family and friends, but then, you remember how awesome it would be to graduate from the university you started your first year at.
8. You learn that it's okay to be alone sometimes, as long as you weigh it out with time spent out with friends and enjoying your early 20s!
9. You learn that there are a hell of a lot more fish in the sea then those boys you settled for in high school.
10. But, most of all, you realize that you accomplished something that most are too scared to do, and you got to meet some of the most amazing people along the journey. You realize that you’re a pretty kick ass person for stepping out of your comfort zone at a young age.
So don't be scared to spread your wings to accomplish greatness in a new environment. It could be exciting!