In case you didn't know already, Tomi Lahren is a political commentator that has made it on TV and has circulated virally all over social media. Most people label her as a conservative news source that speaks the truth about how our country should be ran. On that note, here are 10 reasons why we should listen to Tomi.
My name is Mary Thompson, and these are my final thoughts. First of all, she doesn't speak the truth, she speaks conservative opinions. Second of all, she is not a news source. If she was, she would give us facts instead of close-minded opinions. It wouldn't kill her to do some research before she opened her mouth. Let's not forget the most important issue of all; her voice and attitude show very little empathy and compassion to her audience. I always feel like I am being yelled at when I watch her. This girl has got to chill out. All she is, is another pretty face on television giving her opinion. If she really wants to make a difference in our country, she has to stop talking, do some research, and use that to make a difference. And in case some of you are still confused, yes, the list is blank on purpose.