I gotta take my own advice with this one. I'm super done with hearing from my friends/my friends are done with hearing from me about the guys who fuck us over/we continue to go back to/we never liked in the first place we're just lonely or bored.
Here are 10 reasons to stop settling for that guy you "sort of" like and start focusing on yourself!!!!
1. Plenty of fish in the sea
If you're settling because you think he's the only one that will like you... You are mistaken!! Plenty of guys will like you, so stop being with this lame dude and start finding someone you actually like.
2. It's not fair to him
Not only is it not fair to you to settle, but its not fair to him. What if this guy actually really likes you and you're just tagging him along?? Aw stop that, don't play with peoples emotions.
3. Spend time becoming a better you
Before you find a man, do some things for yourself that maybe this guy you like is stopping you from. Go to the gym, a museum, eat some good food. Do ya thing honey.
4. Start being okay with being alone
This is especially hard for some people who always have a boyfriend, but it's time to sit and chill with yourself for awhile. Being alone is fun when you like yourself!!!! (see #3)
5. He's annoying
I know for a fact that men in general are annoying. But if you don't even truly like this guy, then I'm sure some of the shit he does annoys you...a lot.
6. Huge time commitment
Texting, calling, FaceTiming, dates, dinner, partying, etc. all that takes up so much time. Time with somebody you don't even really like. Is it even fun to chill with them at a certain point?
7. You're better than that
In general, don't settle for someone who you don't like that much. If you aren't in it 100% there is absolutely no point. You deserve a person who makes you happy... not question why you're with them!!
8. In the end, it'll probably make you feel worse
Whether you feel bad about leading him on, or that you feel like you could have done better than him the whole time and now you're like ...well fuck? In the end, you're not gonna feel good about it.
9. Once one door closes, another one opens!!
Don't be nervous to break it off!! You'll find someone else, you can fill your time other ways than just being with him!
10. You're more prone to cheat
If you're always looking for someone better than the one you're with, you will be more prone to cheat on the person. See #2 he will get hurt.