Mornings might actually be the worst part of every day, that is unless you happen to be one of those people that can roll out of bed with a smile on your face ready to approach the day bursting with energy. For the rest of the world, however, its a constant battle of excuses and internal encouragement to not hit the snooze button again. If somehow you find yourself without anymore excuses to stay cozy under the blankets this winter, here's a list to make sure you stay in bed and skip out on responsibilities for the day.
1. Pants
This one is rather self explanatory, but why remove yourself from the comfort of your warm loving bed only to stuff your thighs into work pants or jeans? Keep on those pjs, pull those blankets tighter and don't let the threat of pants scare you any longer! Today pants are not an enemy.
2. Outdoor Elements
Rain, snow, sleet and hail? No waking up, no problem. Stay inside, don't worry about what's going on in the outside world, right now your bed and beauty sleep is all that matters.
3. You deserve this
How many mornings have you already suffered through? You are a good person, you always (sort of) wake up on time every day (most days)! Why not take a day to yourself? Continue sleeping - you'll thank yourself later.
4. Lectures
Call a friend or if you're lucky It's on the powerpoint online anyway, copy the notes when you wake up. All the perks of being in class, without actually being in class.
5. Forgot to do your homework?
No problem, sleep in, finish it later. You won't be rushing to get it in and you could get other work completed (maybe) after you're done. Email your work to your professor and explain your predicament after you're fully rested.
6. You are feeling a little under the weather, aren't you?
Head hurts a little, nose feels stuffy? Why expose yourself to the wilderness that is campus - the steaming pit of germs and disease. Avoid making your "ailment" worse, go back to bed, let your body rest.
7. Late night
You stayed up pretty late last night studying (even though netflix may or may not have been playing in the background). You sacrificed time last night to get ready for that test next week, why not make up for that sacrifice now?
8. Good dreams
Who doesn't hate waking up from a dream you were thoroughly invested in? Maybe if you fall asleep right now you can bring it back. Its worth a shot, right?
9. It's too cold
Honestly this is a pretty good excuse, you're warm and comfortable, so why would you ruin that? Any reasonable person would understand.
10. When was the last time you slacked off?
If it was over two weeks ago, get back in bed. It's not like you're making a habit of it, just one more time won't kill you.
11. Stress free is happy
Everyone deserves a mental health day. Take a break, don't worry for once. Don't stress about school work and tests and grades and the real world. Breath, release your stress, and then go back to sleep. The occasional break from reality can make a difference in the end.