10 Reasons You Probably Miss High School | The Odyssey Online
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10 Reasons You Probably Miss High School

Yes, I'm talking about Carle Place.

10 Reasons You Probably Miss High School

Everyone says college is the best four years of your life, but they forget to tell you about all the extra stress and pressure that comes along with those four years. They also forget to remind you that these years are crucial in determining what the rest of your life will turn out to be. Do I want to be a teacher, a lawyer, or my childhood dream of becoming an actress? Everyone always says, "make sure you choose the right major," or, "don't make the wrong decisions and ruin your life." There's so many questions to be answered, things to figure out and not enough time to do it. There are days when I'm sitting in my tiny, college dorm bed and think to myself, "My god, I miss high school." These are just 10 of the many reasons why you shouldn't take those high school days for granted.

1. Sports

Um hello? Someone tell me how to run a mile because I forget what it's like. Being a part of a team was the best decision you could ever make. There's nothing like those friendships.

2. Free time

As a senior, I was able to skip periods one, four, five and eight. In college, if I miss one class, I could be at risk of dropping a letter grade.

3. Teachers

I miss being able to talk to the teacher or just hang out because it was acceptable. Or convincing them of giving me extra credit because they know me well enough.

4. Cars

Even though finding a spot in the parking lot was the worst part of my day, just having a car and being able to go wherever I wanted or my favorite place for lunch was worth it. (Yeah, that's my car way back there, parked illegally.)

5. Your group of friends

Seeing your group every single second of the day and figuring out who's house you were going to go to after school was the best. Just like that one friend that would skip class with you just because you could.

6. Homecoming

Everyone in the town coming together to watch your long, thought-out skits that took forever to perfect or hoping that the football team would actually win brought a feeling unlike any other.

7. Dances and Proms

Let's not talk about the homecoming dances... They definitely were fun though. And who could possibly forget prom? How many houses did we have?

8. Pep rallies, BOTC, rivalry games, etc.

Best days ever, am I right?

9. Home cooked meals

I'm getting kind of tired of this dining hall food. Same stuff, different day.

10. HOME

I miss my parents, my siblings, my cat (I guess), the mall, the friends I don't get to see or talk to every day and just everything about it. Oh, and how could I forget my FULL SIZED BED! Homesickness does exist and it will get the best of you.

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