The sun sets, causing the moon to brighten and descend across the blue/black sky. The stars and constellations come out of hiding, slowly but surely. The loudness and craziness of the day ceases into oblivion and a calm settles over the earth. If you live in the country, an occasional owl or coyote can be heard as they are called into their nocturnal actions. If you reside in the city, the low hum of cars ambling along will fill your ears. I am a night owl, so what I have just described is my own personal version of heaven on earth. If you are an early bird, what I have to say will not interest you at all. If you keep reading, however, I have ten reasons to present why I so humbly think night life is the best life.
1. The moon.
He really doesn't need any help in advertising how awesome he is, but I will brag on him anyway. The feeling of stepping outside and seeing the largest and most radiant shape you have ever laid eyes on looming above you in the sky is indescribable. If you go to bed too early, you will miss it. The moon shows off his best work early in the a.m.
2. The stars.
Again, they don't need my help. But I'm obsessed, you know? I have sat underneath a sky lit up like the Fourth of July with stars and just marveled at how tiny I really am. A rather humbling experience, if I do say so myself.
3. The calm.
I have been a part of the craziest and most overwhelming days, and have not been able to take a full deep breath until darkness fell. There is a surreal feeling that falls over me in the night and helps me handle everything that is trying to knock me down.
4. The solitude
I love being alone. This doesn't appeal to everyone, I realize, but I think even the most outgoing of extroverts could benefit from a little peace and quiet at night before they rest their talkative little heads.
5. The way time slows down
The night runs on its own time. The clocks slow and the seconds creep. This is not only magical, it also offers extended time to accomplish overdue assignments.
6. It is the best time to read
I have stayed up all through the night finishing a book. Once it gets its claws sunk into you, time doesn't matter. There is something special about reading uninterrupted, which the night so lovingly offers.
7. It offers the best drives
Windows down to feel the cool night air, sunroof open to let in the stars, music blaring and a good companion in the passenger seat. Night drives are unique, peaceful, healing and just quality.
8. It provides the best talks
Ever stayed up all night talking to someone because the conversation just couldn't stop flowing? The night brings vulnerability and honesty, which leads to great chats.
9. It lets you sort out your thoughts
It seems that through the business of the day, I do not always have time to stop and think. When night falls and my obligations and appointments are done, I can finally rest and reflect on my day. For me, this time is crucial to unwind and gather myself.
10. It restarts everything
They say tomorrow is a new day and each new day is brought by the nighttime. It is rejuvenating and cleansing and brings new opportunities.
I may not have convinced you morning lovers, but maybe you will take a gander at my reasoning and try some of these experiences out for yourself. And maybe I will try getting up early to see what mornings feel like...