10 Reasons To Love Jim Hawkins | The Odyssey Online
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10 Reasons To Love Jim Hawkins

He's the most underrated Disney guy.

10 Reasons To Love Jim Hawkins

We all have our favorite animated characters, especially those from Disney. There have been so many amazing animated films over the years that, for most of us, our lists of favorite characters are probably pretty extensive. As a huge Disney fanatic, my own list has been divided into several categories. One character in particular, though, I usually place at the top or very near to the top of my list: James "Jim" Pleiades Hawkins from "Treasure Planet." Jim, the 15-year-old protagonist, is not your average Disney guy, which is probably why I like him the best. Don't get me wrong, the other Disney guys are cool too, but Jim's got a little something extra. So, here are my top 10 reasons for loving Jim Hawkins.

1. He has the best death glare.

I'm running away now.

2. He cares deeply for his mom.

Everything that he does in the film is for her. After his dad leaves them, he does what he can to help his mom. The only reason why he wants to find Treasure Planet is so that he can use the treasure to help rebuild their home/livelihood. He may not always show it, but he loves her.

3. He genuinely cries.

How often do you see an animated guy actually crying? He shows some of the most genuine human emotion out of any Disney character. Plus, his emotions are so well-defined that you never have to guess what he's feeling/thinking.

4. He doesn't have a love interest.

Not only is he not looking for romance, but he doesn't even get a surprise romance. He's one of few main Disney characters to actually stay single. It's kind of a nice change of pace, honestly.

5. He gets in real trouble.

He's actually arrested and on probation. Well, he violated his probation. However, he does turn it around.

6. He has big goals.

Despite getting into trouble, he does have big goals and ambitions and he begins to accomplish them. He becomes a cadet at the end of the film.

7. He's smart.

According to his mom, he built his first solar surfer when he was 8! I'm not sure how difficult those would be to build, but let's not forget that he also hot wired a broken down ship and figured out how to open the treasure map in five seconds.

8. His overall appearance is unique.

From the hair (he's the only Disney character to ever have the rat tail look), clothing, and the one earring, he's definitely one of a kind in the animated world.

9. He masters the smolder.

Sorry Flynn/Eugene fans, but Jim had the smolder first and he did it way better. Plus, he's not even trying for the look, he just does it naturally. Who could resist that face?

10. He's relatable.

From being grumpy in the mornings to working menial jobs to being the poster boy for teen angst, Jim's got it all covered.

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