My very first video game that I owned was Pokemon Leaf Green. Ever since then, I've been keeping up with the series and playing every single game that's come out.
Let me tell you this: Pokemon Sun and Moon might be the best Pokemon game of all time. If you're one within the group that believes the older generation of games are the best in the series, don't close this tab; this game has a lot to quench your nostalgic thirst. And it's not like there's only appeal to certain types of players. This game has a lot to do for everyone, and in this article, I'll be pointing out the top 10 things to look forward in Pokemon Sun and Moon.
1. New Pokemon!
Every new generation of Pokemon games comes with new pokemon; it's one of the main selling points of the series. But the Pokemon in this game just feel... refreshing. I can't think of one design that I necessarily hate.
I fell in love with the starter Pokemon designs as soon as I saw them. They all just look so lovable! My personal favorite is Rowlet, the bird on the left. With his round shape and his little leaf bowtie, what's not to love?
Now, about those legendaries. Wow. I mean, I don't usually use legendary Pokemon on my team, but now I'm seriously debating it. With Lunaala's (left) elegance and Solgaleo's (right) power, it's hard to hate this duo.
2. Alolan Forms.
What if I told you that there were new pokemon... but they were also old pokemon? No, it doesn't make sense, but trust me, it does.
These are Alolan Form Pokemon. They might look familiar to you old Pokemon fans, and that's because they are. Basically, the Pokemon Company decided to get some of their original pokemon and re-work them to make them have fresher designs while also appealing to older player base. You might recognize these familiar faces (from left to right: Vuplix, Ninetails, Exeggutor, Sandslash and Sandshrew), which are only a few of the brand new Alolan Forms!
3. Poke Ride.
One of the biggest gripes with the previous Pokemon games is HM moves. For those of you that don't know what these are, they're moves you can teach your pokemon that interact with the world around you, whether it be to fly to a city or cut down small trees that block your path. These are cool in theory, but factor in that you can only teach your pokemon four moves and that most of the HMs are fairly weak in battle.
Now we have Poke Ride! No more must you teach your level 100 Charizard Fly; now you can basically rent a Charizard that flies you from place to place! Not only does this create more convenience with teaching your pokemon moves, but it also increases the immersion within the games, which I'm all for.4. The Alola Region.
Hawaii is beautiful. I mean, I've never visited, but I've seen pictures and heard countless stories from friends of how amazing the views and scenery are there. For a Pokemon region that's based off of Hawaii, it does its beauty justice.
Whether it be in a cave or on an outdoor path, this game is nothing but eye candy. The vibrant colors, the lighting and the rampant wildlife make this game seem very much alive.5. Trainer Customization.
One of the most well received features of Pokemon X and Y was the trainer customization. I mean, it makes sense; for a game that's based on France, the fashion had to be on point. But when that feature was removed in Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, a lot of the player base (yours truly included) were not very happy. I'm more than ecstatic that this feature is returning.
This screenshot only scrapes the surface of the customization one can achieve. And even then, these trainers are all visibly different. Some things that this picture doesn't show is how you can change more than just the color of your pants and shorts, and you can have different hairstyles along with facial accessories.6. The Island Trials.
One of the core elements of the Pokemon series is the gym system. One of your goals as a trainer is to battle the eight gyms and win the badge for each respective gym. That's eight gyms per generation, for six generations. That's 48 gyms. I can see why a lot o people would get sick of them by now.
These trials are similar to gyms, where you have to go up against the trial captain. But these aren't just limited to battles; as seen above, one of the trial captains asks for you to go find some ingredients. The diversity that these trials are going to provide the player with will make each encounter feel new and interesting, compared to the old system of fighting and fighting and fighting and... Well, you get the point.7. Compelling Characters.
The characters in this game are shaping up to be some of my favorites that the Pokemon Company have ever delivered. From crazy pirate gangsters to a rather strange white-clad girl, each character is just oozing with, well, character.
The crazy pirate gangster is named Guzma. He's the leader of the evil team, Team Skull. While it's not currently clear as to what Team Skull's goal is, all we know is that they cause a ruckus all over the Alola region under the reign of Guzma. I don't know what it is about his character specifically, but I find his character design to be approaching flawless.This is Lillie. We really don't know that much about her to be honest. All we do know is that she helps out the region's professor with his tasks and she's not too fond of Pokemon battles. Oh, and in the trailers she appears in, her bag is moving around and making noises... I'm looking forward to uncovering the mystery behind Lillie.
8. Ultra Beasts.
Much like Lillie, there's really not much we can tell about Ultra Beasts. But they've been showing up in the Alola region with no clear end goal and no clear origin. The Aether Foundation, a sort of peacekeeping force, are studying into the ultra beasts, but as of right now, we don't know much. All we know is that they look pretty darn cool.
I mean come on. If this is only a sample size of the pool of Ultra Beasts we'll be seeing, then sign me up!9. Z-Moves.
Battling in Pokemon would get stale after a while if Pokemon didn't spice it up every now and then. In the past, they've introduced new types and added the concept of Mega Evolutions. But now, we have Z-Moves.
Z-Moves are powered up versions of normal moves, but with some pretty sweet animations and names to go with them. Now, don't worry, you can only use a Z-Move once per battle, so there's still some depth to battling. But now, all pokemon will turn into forces to be reckoned with.
10. Old Trainers Make A Return.
On top of Alolan Forms, there's an extra bit of nostalgia to go around. For those of you that played the very first Pokemon games, you must remember Red and Blue. Well, now they're back.Their designs have been revamped to stay true to the timeline; they're a lot older now, and probably on vacation to the Alola region. You can actually battle them in-game to test your strength against the best of the best.
Now, you might be wondering why I haven't really covered every detail about this top 10 list. Well, that's because I want to leave the rest as a surprise! What are the other new pokemon? What other characters will you meet in your journey? It'll all remain a mystery until you play the games, and I'll promise you that these games will be nothing short of amazing.