Whether you are in the Theater, Music, or Fine Arts program, being an Arts major is one of the greatest avenues to explore in your college career. Being in the Fine Arts program and pursuing an emphasis in both Painting and Photography has been one of the best decisions I've ever made, and one of the hardest challenges I've ever encountered. From creating new pieces, endless nights in the studios, and more, these are the reasons why I love being an Art Major.
1. Certainly a different type of homework
Of course, this will look different across the different disciplines, but for myself, my homework for my classes includes on constant drawing, constant planning, and constantly working and reworking the same project(s) over the semester to turn in at the end of the semester as a part of my portfolio. While this sounds like a blessing in some regards, in others it is just as crazy as accounting homework, especially when you are in the painting studio or darkroom until 2:00 AM, but hey it's all worth it in the end!
2. No Finals/Tests*
*Unless you have to take any time of Art History classes, memorize scales, remember artists, know how to work stage lights, etc... actually our tests may be crazy but our final projects and our final shows seriously show how far we've come!
3. Your work on display
It is seriously one of the coolest things ever entering into different shows, from Juried Shows, BFA Entry, Junior, and Senior shows, and seeing your work be showcased around the state too!
4. Studying the Greats
There is nothing better than studying and learning about the great old masters of art.. and occasionally having to watch Bob Ross for homework.
5. Seeing how history has been shaped by art
From the Renaissance to Contemporary Art, from fine art to advertisements that surround daily life, the world has been driven by art.
“The arts are essential to any complete national life. The State owes it to itself to sustain and encourage them….Ill fares the race which fails to salute the arts with the reverence and delight which are their due.”
- Winston Churchill
6. Getting to see the coolest visiting artists, theater productions, and performances
It is seriously not every day that you can meet super famous artists, or see your favorite musicals, and hear the coolest music. I seriously love all the events that happen in the Center of the Arts.
7. The coolest field trips
Since I've been attending University of Wisconsin - Whitewater and have been in the Fine Arts program I've been to the Chicago Art Museum and the Chicago Museum of Modern Art at least six times, which is beyond crazy that I get to be in close contact with famous pieces for free!
8. Meeting the most interesting people
It isn't every day that your professor basically implores you to go out and explore the world and take pictures of ghosts.... seriously, I was told to go take pictures of ghosts. Literally my favorite professor ever.

9. Endless Opportunities
I've seriously have had the most mind blowing experiences from being a part of the Fine Arts program at UWW. With having worked on an installation and put my own flair into the Eric and Heather ChanSchatz: 22nd Century installation at the Madison Museum of Contemporary Art. Not only did I get to meet amazing artists, but I learned a LOT about the process and work that goes into working in a gallery and I absolutely feel in love with it!
10. Following Your Dreams
In the end, I cannot say where my future will take me but I know that my goals to get a Bachelor in Fine Arts and eventually a Masters in Fine Arts will take me wherever I need to go, and I'm going to be living my dreams. Don't ever believe that you cannot be happy and successful as an artist, follow your passions and everything will fall into place. I know who I am and what I need to do to be happy, and in my case, it is being involved with the arts!