"Wow, you have way too much hair!"
If this is something you've gotten used to hearing every time you get your hair cut, you're not alone. Indeed, you're grateful for the fact that you've never had to worry about volumizing hairspray, but having unruly hair is a problem of its own. It's a lifetime of straightening, washing, drying, and brushing that takes up way too much of your time. Even though everyone tells you you're lucky to have these problems, here are ten things about your hair that make you cringe.
1. Straightening your hair becomes an hour-long arm workout.
Sometimes, you wonder why you don't have Hulk muscles from these daily hair-straightening marathons.
2. No matter how carefully you straighten it, you still manage to find clumps of hair you missed.
You could swear you went over each strand five times, but that random tuft of frizzy hair sticking out says otherwise.
3. Hairbrushes either tangle up in your hair or are avoided altogether.
Considering that brushing your hair makes it seem even more frizzy and unruly, it's a better idea to leave your hair the way it is.
4. Pinterest tutorials will always end up looking like a nest.
Fancy braids and updos? You wish, but at the end of it all you have is tangled clumps of hair held together weakly by bobby pins.
5. Bobby pins get lost in your hair, only to be found months (or years?) later.
Once they're lost in the abyss, you know better than trying to find them. Maybe, a year from now, one will fall out unexpectedly.
6. If you're going to any outdoor event in the summer, you're resigned to the fact that you'll look like a poodle in every picture.
You know that even if you even try to do your hair, all those hair products will vanish the second you step outside. Might as well just enjoy yourself and avoid Instagram as much as possible.
7. Washing your hair isn't an option in the morning.
People who have normal hair may call you lazy, but when you'd have to lose an extra half-hour of sleep to wash it, it's just not practical.
8. Other people's "bad hair days" are your "I wish" hair days.
Your friend is complaining about how "frizzy" her hair looks because of a few wayward strands, while you would secretly be grateful if your hair looked like that one day.
9. Even the simplest hairstyles don't work sometimes.
It's possible that your hair just doesn't want to stay in a messy bun or ponytail today. And layered haircuts, as nice as they look, are a lost cause.
10. But despite these small daily struggles, you're still glad you have Medusa hair.
Once in a while, at least.