If I had a dollar for every time someone said how much they loved summer, I'd be rich enough to never have to work again. Summer is awful and I can never understand how people love it so much. Sure, it has its perks, but mostly summer is a headache. Here are the reasons why summer is definitely the inferior season:
1. It’s hot
Correction: It’s too hot. It feels like a sauna whenever you walk outside. It’s like we’re all inside a giant frying pain, slowly being roasted by the sun.
2. Bugs
Let’s play a game where we walk outside and try not to get attacked by bugs (hint: no one wins).
3. Weird weather
Besides it being ridiculously hot (see number one), the weather seems to have even more mood swings in the summer. There can be a thunderstorm, gusty winds, random flooding, and then seconds of sunshine all within an hour.
4. Hair Troubles
It’s impossible to be anyone’s #hairgoals in summer because the humidity won’t allow it. You try to make your hair as beautiful as possible in the morning, but once you open that front door into the humid abyss, say goodbye to your good hair day.
5. Leather is everywhere
I only notice this in summer, but I’m pretty sure every restaurant in the U.S. has leather seats. And I guess it’s not the leather that’s really the problem. No, the problem is trying to peel my thighs off leather seats when I wear shorts.
6. I miss my friends
Planning to spend time with your friends during the summer is hard, especially when they live in different places or are working. Texting is fine as a means for staying in touch, but it’s not the same as meeting for dinner or going to the movies, which unfortunately seems harder in summer.
7. The best shows are gone
Some of the best shows on television go on hiatus just at the start of summer. "Game of Thrones," for instance, ended on Sunday (moment of silence for that incredible finale). With all of the good shows being replaced by no shortage of reality shows, I guess I’ll spend my summer watching "American Ninja Warrior" and all of Gordon Ramsey’s shows.
8. There’s no sports
While this isn’t much of a problem every four years because of the Olympics, we’ll be facing this issue again next year. Football season is long away and basketball is over. It sucks.
9. Sunburns
I have never been sunburned before, but I’ve seen enough sunburn on my friends to understand that it’s awful. Just looking at the reddened, peeling skin makes me pity every single person who is sunburned.
10. The Fourth of July
I love this holiday because everyone’s patriotism is at its yearly high. But it seems like every human in the country decides to leave their homes and bundle together in the same park that is far too small in order to see some fireworks. So we’re all a bunch of strangers sitting annoyingly close to one another to watch five minutes' worth of fireworks and spend two hours trying to leave the parking lot.
Summer is filled with great memories and good vibes, but every day I can’t wait until it’s over. When September comes, the struggles will slowly end. For those who suffer through the summer months, just remember: