There’s not a day that goes by where I am not thankful for the experiences and trips that I have had. I have been lucky to travel many places around the world with my family, and I hope to continue to do so throughout the years. I know that many people do not have the privileges and opportunities that I do. With that being said, I think everyone should try to make the opportunity happen. Here are 10 reasons why you should expand your horizons and take the chance to travel.
1. The world is full of beautiful scenery
Every place that I’ve been to has had beautiful sights. Whether it is a beautiful ocean, sunrise, sunset, mountain, cliff, beach, or even a single tree, the sights and things out there are spontaneous. You can’t find these things in your back yard or down your road. If you are lucky to have one of those things near you, then you can only imagine what else life has to offer. Everyone should go out and be able to take in something that is breathtaking and memorable.
2. Traveling now means you can do whatever you want without restrictions
By restriction I mean age. You’re never too old to travel but you are able to do more, with more energy and without having any health restrictions in your way.
3. One day you might be too busy to travel
Sometimes life happens when you’re busy making plans. Life gets in our way sometimes; we get jobs and we focus hard on bettering ourselves, we get married, have kids, and create a life for ourselves. In that time, we forget the beautiful world that we unable to see. By traveling when we are young, we are able to set aside some of those things and take the time to go.
4. You are able to carry on intellectual conversations about places you’ve been
A great conversation can always be created when talking about a place around the world. But how great would it be to get a job all because you have traveled? By traveling, you are able to learn more about a culture and an area. Having that type of knowledge can be very influential when getting a job. People would look at this knowledge as you being a well-rounded individual. Travel while you’re young and you could potentially get a great job one day because you have.
5. You will remember it more
When you are younger, your mind is in a youthful mindset. By traveling when you are younger, you are capable of recalling more. When you get older, your mind forgets the little things that you might want to remember. Younger minds = recalling more, and then you can share the stories when you’re older.
6. Something to reflect upon
Seeing the world can be an awesome experience. Well, just imagine remembering that experience down the road. Not only do you have some great stories to tell but you are able to remember those experiences when the going gets tough. Having a memory of a beautiful scene to brighten your day can help you move forward with your life, and could help give you something to look forward to. Perhaps your next trip?
7. Being young means you have more of an appreciation for the experience
Even though you might be older, it doesn’t mean you don’t have an appreciation; it just means you don’t have enough of an appreciation. When you are young, you are capable of taking it all in. The scenery, the smell, everything. You are able to really take the time to travel and see things from a more open mind. When you are older, other things occupy your mind and you might not be there in mind and in spirit.
8. To learn another language and learn about a culture
You can learn a language at any time in your life, but taking the time to do so is hard. Traveling can increase your knowledge about a culture, and dispersing yourself into that culture, you can learn the language. Doing this while you’re young, whether it is before work, kids, or old age, can give you more time to involve yourself.
9. Humanitarian reasoning
Going to help out during national disasters, supporting causes and traveling to these locations that need help can give you a bigger perspective on how you might want to live your life and cherish the things that you do have. Helping people can become very rewarding. Helping in your neighborhood is good as well, but traveling to a poor country to volunteer your time can change your life. Who knows, one day you might not end up working and decide to dedicate your time to doing community service.
10. Why not?
"The World is your Oyster." Literally... go out and live life. Soak up the knowledge, culture, language, and scenery. You are only young once, and you deserve to have wonderful experiences with people who mean the most to you!
Take the chance to Love Life. Everyone deserves to!