Taking pictures of your crazy night out is great. They keep all your memories of the night intact, especially for when you are having a hard time remembering what happened yourself. It is always funny to look back on your night and laugh, but it is even more fun when everyone who follows you is laughing too. With the many crazy night out pictures and Snapchats we take, we often have to ask our peers, “Should I post this?” Yes, you definitely should post that picture of you drinking, and here are 10 reasons why:
1. It makes you look sophisticated.
Nothing says “I’m practically 21” like a documenting a shot of grape Karkov being chased with a Keystone Light. Alcohol is for adults, and of course you are that mature.
2. Beer bongs are a hit with potential employers.
Employers are looking for people who are up for a challenge and have the willpower to complete daunting tasks. Proof that you downed a two story beer bong screams “I would make a great asset to your company.”
3. It’s unexpected.
College student. Friday night. Handle of Taaka. Who would have guessed these three things could ever encounter each other?
4. Your great aunt wants to congratulate you on Facebook.
Finishing that fishbowl was no small feat. The fact that you lived to tell the tale is even more impressive. You sincerely deserve all the congratulatory comments you rake in.
5. Alcohol is hard to find.
On a college campus like yours, only a special few can have access to the stuff. Make sure the world is fully aware you are one of the chosen ones.
6. Snapchat could use another picture of drunk girls holding beers.
Or maybe even a bottle of wine. If you’re going to put a picture on your story for 10 seconds, you better make it count!
7. Parties are much more enjoyable when spent documenting everything.
Who needs to live in the moment? You get enough quality time with your friends, you don’t need that on the weekends too, when there are Snaps to take! Everyone needs to know this party is SO. MUCH. FUN. It is irrelevant whether or not you are actually having fun.
8. Mom and Dad want to know what you are doing with their hard-earned money.
I’m sure they will be immensely proud to know that you are spending wisely. You bought an entire handle of Karkov for $12. That is approximately 35 shots at around $0.39 per shot. If that isn’t money well-spent, I don’t know what is.
9. Nobody will suspect alcohol was involved in the making of that blurry picture anyway.
Is that a new filter? Or just an artsy post? Very cool. Very hip. Very fresh.
10. You are setting a great example for the kids who follow you.
Let’s be real here, they need to know what’s up.
So go ahead, post to your heart’s desire.