Since this is my first article, I feel like I should introduce myself. I am a German exchange student. Right now, I am experiencing the American way of living as close as it is possible. I live with a great American family, I found myself American friends and I go to an American high school.
If you are thinking about doing an exchange yourself or sending your child on an exchange, then here are ten reasons why I can recommend it:
You Experience Another Culture.
When you visit another country, the inhabitants expect you to join their traditions. Even though it is not always easy, or you do not always want to join them, you should try it atleast once because it is going to be knowlege you gain that other people might not have.
You Meet New People.
You are able to meet people from a completely different country. It depends on which country you are going to, but most people are really interested in you and your culture.
You learn how to treat other people, and that is a lesson that can help you in every situation in life.
You Go To Another School With Another School System.
You will learn different things in school that you will probably not be able to learn in your home country. Schools have different classes, different opportunities for afterschool activities, and a completely different environment than you are used to.
You Can Leave Some Problems Behind You
While you are gone you do not have to deal with the problems your family or friends have. They cannot be mad at you for not helping them with their problems or small dramas, because you are not there to know what they are about. It is a great opportunity to escape that type of stress and focus on yourself for a change.
Your Language Improves.
When you live in another country your language skills improve the more you hear the language and speak it. Even when you do not speak the langauge, you are surrounded by it and will return to your home country with language skills in another language.
You Will Miss Your Family.
You probably think that is a bad thing but as a teenager you sometimes feel like you need some time apart from your family and that especially your parents really get on your nerves but while you are apart you learn to be thankfull for the things they can give you or they do for you. Those hugs only your mother can give you, the times you can go a talk to your family about funny things that have happened on family trips or just the feeling on haveing somebody who is there for you and supports you in every situation in your life, even if you have done something really stupid.
You Are Able To Try New Food.
And since we all love it is a great chance to try every kind of new different food. And even if it seems weird to eat certain food you should at least try it.
You Get A New Family.
While the entire exchange you bond with a family. They are gonna be there for you and you are gonna build a special relationship with them. But always remember you are not a guest, you are the new part of their family.
You Are Able To Travel.
You are able to leave your country and travel to another country. Not everybody is able to do that so be thankful that your parents make that happen for you.
It Looks Great On Applications.
Exchanges look very good on college or job applications. It shows that you have experiences and enough courage to put yourself through something like this.
So if you’re thinking about doing a year or even a half year of an exchange, just do it. I am doing a year apart from my family and the time is flying by. And I can even recommend a great exchange organization: AFS. AFS is American field service and they do a good job with preparing you for the exchange. For more info click