In celebration of our wonderful President Trump firing the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Mr. James Comey, here are 10 Reasons why President Donald Trump, is the best president of all time:
1. He is the most calm and level headed of all.
2. He's open minded on perspectives.
3. He is the most honest president in U.S history.
4. He takes full responsibility for any of his actions/mistakes.
5.He is the most compassionate and stand up 'man' there is out there.
6. He is COMPLETELY, 100% amazing with kids, they love him!
7. Trump and his cabinet genuinely CARE about America's people.
8. He is a successful business man who will lead us out of debt!
9. He is a loving, caring family man, who respects women.
10. Last, and most certainly not least, there were NO other reasons as to why James Comey, Head of the FBI, was let go other than him not doing his job.
So thank you, Mr. President, for being the most honest, respectful, and caring president we've ever had in America!
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