10 Reasons Why Poland Is An Underrated Travel Destination In Europe
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10 Reasons Why Poland Is An Underrated Travel Destination In Europe

Italy, France, Spain. All are top travel destinations in Europe. This is why Poland should be one, too...

10 Reasons Why Poland Is An Underrated Travel Destination In Europe
Mikala Sanders

It is normal to want to visit the top tourist destinations in the world. Unfortunately, some incredible countries, cities and towns get overlooked when the calendar gets pulled out for planning a vacation. There are places in the world that are gems, ready to be explored. This is why Poland is one of those gems.

1. The Food

Just writing about it makes my mouth water. Some of the classic Polish dishes include pierogi (Polish dumplings), kielbasa (sausage), zapiekanka (open faced bread with mushrooms, cheese and usually meat), gołąbki (stuffed cabbage roll), and polskie naleśniki (potato pancake). You’ll need a nap after every meal.

2. Krakow's amazing cafes and bars

Who knew this city was so hipster? Krakow is filled with unique spots to enjoy a coffee break or grab a few beers. One of the most popular spots is Propaganda, a bar where you will find tons of artifacts from the communist era in Poland. Another favorite is a coffee shop filled with quotes on the walls called Cytat Cafe, which translates to Quote Cafe.

3. The architecture

Polish architecture is funky. From the colorful buildings in Krakow to the wooden style in Zakopane, Poland has a vibrant and matchless architectural flavor.

4. Skiing in Zakopane

Nestled in the Tetra Mountains, Zakopane is the perfect escape from the city. The buildings and homes are all made of wood and are absolutely stunning. Zakopane is the ultimate skiing and hiking town.

5. It is inexpensive

Poland is the perfect vacation for a college student because it is so cheap. Don't let the Polish zloty fool you. A dinner for 20 zloty is only five dollars... The average price for a liter of beer is $1.66...Are you searching for flights yet?

6. The street art in Krakow

One of Krakow's hidden gems is the incredible street art. Walking around the city, you will stumble upon enticing pieces of artwork painted on the sides of buildings everywhere you go. The art adds to the hipster funk of Krakow.

7. The vodka and beer

If you visit Poland and don't drink vodka and beer, you are doing something wrong. (Unless you're under 18 of course.) One of the most popular vodkas is Soplica, a delicious, hazelnut flavored drink.

8. The wilderness

Poland isn't a country that comes to mind when you think of beautiful scenery, but it should be. You can visit Bialowieza National Park, the "last untouched wilderness in Europe". The Tetra Mountains are the perfect place to sing your heart out to The Sound of Music soundtrack.

9. The history

Poland was vastly impacted by WWII. Today you can experience the effect this influential time period had on the country. Countless concentration camps, including the largest, Auschwitz Birkenau, are operating as museums today. Poland is also home to incredible salt-mines that were built in the 13th century and were in operation until 2007.

10. The beaches

It may not be Barcelona or the French Riviera, but Poland has gorgeous, golden beaches, too. (Without the massive tourist groups!) Unlike several beaches in Europe which can be grey and rocky, the coast in Poland is sandy and white.

So, go enjoy a beer (or two) and explore the unique and gorgeous country that is Poland!

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