This morning, much to my friends' disapproval, I booked my flight to Milwaukee, Wisconsin for Halloween weekend. No one would be shocked to hear that Milwaukee is not really considered a vacation destination, especially during the last weekend of October, and as far as I know there aren't any special Halloween traditions in this midwestern city. However, if you're a Nebraskan at heart then you know that there is only one thing that could tear you away from your senior year Halloweekend – the Nebraska vs. Wisconsin football game. My friends may scoff when I tell them just how important it is I go to this game, but if you're loyal to Nebraska then you know these 10 things are true.
1. This song makes your heart race.
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And you definitely had it on your iPod growing up.
2. Despite popular opinion, it really is beautiful.
Image Source: Scott Papek
The rolling hills and corn fields are stunning.
3. Cabbage doesn't have to be gross.
Best crinkle fries on earth.
4. This man is a demigod.
If you don't know who this is, stop reading now.
5. If someone is from Omaha or Lincoln they are city-folk.
With so many small towns, a city of 300,000 seems pretty big.
6. This is a lullaby.
And if you're a Coloradan for Nebraska you know the right words are, "The boys are the squarest and everyone hates CU."
7. Memorial Stadium is like a second home to you.
There is no better place in the world.
8. These two things must accompany one another.
If you serve chili without cinnamon rolls then you can't call yourself a true Nebraskan.
9. It's basically a crime to leave a, "Gooo Big Red!" hanging.
The true sign of a Nebraska fan.