Who doesn't love pizza? The ooey-gooey cheese combined with the fresh tomato sauce underneath various toppings, all on top of perfectly baked crust. It's a master combination and one that people have been enjoying for centuries. As an avid pizza lover, I felt it was my calling to compile a list of reasons why pizza is the best food ever to be created.
1. Beyonce likes pizza. And who doesn't love Beyonce?
2. Pizza has healthy ingredients (combined in a not-so-healthy way, but oh well)!
3. Pizza's been there for you, even when your friends/significant others weren't.
4. Pizza can also become a dessert!
5. Pizza is the BEST drunk food.
6. All pizza is beautiful pizza.
7. It's usually pretty cheap.
8. Pizza is pretty much the only food you can always count on to have delivery service.
9. Even bad pizza still tastes pretty good.
10. And last but not least, pizza may or may not be the food of the century.