10 Reasons Why Pittsburgh Is The Greatest City In The World
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10 Reasons Why Pittsburgh Is The Greatest City In The World

Bridges, Steelers and Yinzers, oh my!

10 Reasons Why Pittsburgh Is The Greatest City In The World
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For anyone who has never lived in or visited Pittsburgh, I am so sorry because you are really missing out. It is, hands down, the greatest place to live. There is no way to explain the connection a Pittsburgher has to this city. There is a fierce pride that comes from living in Pittsburgh that will never go away. There is no convincing us of any other way. New York, LA, Paris, London, Rome: overrated. Pittsburgh is where it's at. There are literally a million reasons that make Pittsburgh the best, and everyone should move there right now, but here are just a few to get you to start packing your bags.

1. Mount Washington

I have not seen a better view of a city than at the top of Mt. Washington. It is breathtaking. No one will be able to tear you away from something so picturesque. Oh, and did I mention that there is an old-time incline -- a cable car run on a pulley system -- that will take you up and down the mountain? It's the perfect Sunday activity for children and hipsters alike.

2. Downtown

Not only is the view of Downtown Pittsburgh beautiful from above, but the actual area itself is a fun place to enjoy. It is the perfect size -- big enough that you feel like you're in a city, but not so big that you feel like you're drowning in suits and sky rises (I'm looking at you New York). Downtown Pittsburgh is full of beautiful buildings, fountains, sculptures, and a summer farmer’s market. That's right -- just try and stay away.

3. Bridges

All the bridges. Pittsburgh has the most bridges in the world (I am 99 percent sure that fact is true). You can walk, drive, bike, skip, jog and hop across them all. They are the strings that tie the city together (that was kind of weird, but you know what I mean).

4. Kennywood

Growing up, I thought that every city had its own amusement park. Not until much later -- a lot later than I would like to admit -- did I realize that Kennywood is something special to Pittsburgh alone. When you walk in, you feel like you've stepped back in time to a state fair where it's cool to ride a merry-go-round 50 times in a row, or where calories don't count (hand dipped chocolate covered ice cream, fresh cotton candy, popcorn, dippin dots, and that's just lunch). Not to mention the historical significance. A famous battle of the Revolutionary War took place there and there is a tree with a bullet in it shot by George Washington himself. History buffs will also be excited to know that many of the rides are historical landmarks. Fun and educational, what could be better?!

5. Steel City

Another thing that makes Pittsburgh great is its steel. In the early 1900s, Pittsburgh was the largest maker and distributor of steel. We made the bullets that won WWII, just saying. We may not make steel any more, but we will always be famous for it. That's why our football team is called the Steelers (I can practically hear the collective “oh”).

6. Movies

Pittsburgh is becoming more and more popular as a place to film movies. Some of the biggest titles we've had in the last ten years are Love and Other Drugs, Adventureland, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, oh and that little movie, The Dark Knight Rises. I think it's safe to say that Pittsburgh is basically the new Hollywood. Don't worry, Leonardo DiCaprio, there's a great house on my street that I'm sure you'll love.

7. Sports Teams

We are sports nation. We have the Steelers, who have the most Super Bowl wins of any team in the country--the Penguins, with three Stanley Cup wins and the team of Sidney Crosby--and the Pirates who, well, are working on it. Not only do we have amazing sports teams: we are also the home of the best sports fans. I mean, we have to be great if we have continuously supported a baseball team that hasn't won a World Series since 1979. Pittsburgh also has, in my not so humble opinion, the most beautiful stadiums, both with an incredible view of the city.

8. The University of Pittsburgh

Pitt is an amazing school that offers a great education, but more importantly, it has the Cathedral of Learning that looks like Hogwarts inside. When you walk inside you will think you've died and gone to Harry Potter heaven. You walk around just waiting to bump into Harry, Ron and Hermione. Oh and don't worry, they have a Quidditch team to make the magical fantasy complete.

9. Ketchup

You probably didn't know this but Pittsburgh is the global headquarters for Heinz ketchup, so you're welcome.

10. We Have Our Own Language

Affectionately dubbed by the rest of the country as the ugliest accent in America, we Yinzers don't take it too hard. We know everyone else is just jealous. Here is a guide to help you so you're not too lost when you move in. The Burgh' = Pittsburgh, Yinz = Ya'll Stillers = Steelers, Warsh = wash, Dahntahn = downtown, N'at = this has no exact translation but can be heard in sentences like, "How Yinz guys doing' n'at." And if you think that no one really talks like this, let me just introduce you to my grandma.

I could go on forever: just ask my roommate. I am a third generation Yinzer (but sans the accent) and there is no doubt in my mind that there will never be a city as great as Pittsburgh. Maybe I'm biased, but when has that stopped anyone from saying their opinions proudly, and usually loudly. All I can say is that for those of you living in any other city, I am sorry and I hope you come to your senses soon. And when you do come around the Burgh', look me up and I'll take you dahntahn to see them Stillers, n'at.

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