Every school has them: the excited students that welcome in the freshmen by showing them the ropes of campus. You see them around all the time, always smiling and always excited to see you. Being a Peer Advisor or PA is the best thing you can do, not only for yourself, but for others as well. Here are 10 reasons that prove that:
1. You can make a lot of friends
Once you become a peer advisor, practically everyone has seen or heard of you. It is a great way to meet new people and boost self-esteem in the process. Looking to make some friends? Trying to become a PA is the way to do that.
2. You get your own squad
The second you accept that PA position you get a built in 26, (give or take depending on the school,) new friends that literally become your family. These aren't just people you work with, but these are the people you can text to do just about anything.
3. You meet people you would never have
Not only is your squad made up of people that you originally wouldn't meet up with in college, but the freshmen and others that know you're a PA on campus can have an impact on you. It is always good to make different types of friends in life, and this opens up your networking circle to just about everyone.
4. Your 'bosses' are your friends
I put boss in quotations because the people running your PA program have a passion for the freshmen, the school and you. They are more like friends to you and your fellow PA's can always lend a helping hand in a time of need.
5. You get to try new fun things
I know I got to laser tag for the first time in my life at one of our PA outings. It was the most fun I ever had because it was with people that I had bonded with. Not only with the PA outings, but as a PA you have a responsibility to keep up with your freshmen. Taking them to on-campus events can really get you more involved with new and exciting things you may not have ever tried on your own.
6. People look up to you
It is always heart warming to hear that you have affected your freshmen in any way. The simple comments they say to you leave a lasting mark. You truly can make a difference in someone's life whether you know it or not. Not only do your own freshmen look up to you, but a lot of others around campus do as well.
7. You get more involved
Getting in college can be hard sometimes. You don't know what events you want to go to, what clubs to join, etc. Being a PA helps you find your interests, and the people with similar interests to you.
8. You become a campus expert
As a PA, you learn so much about the school you are attending it's crazy. There are things you would never have thought of about your school's history that is so interesting. It really gives you an edge on others knowing facts that could potentially help you in the future.
9. You learn so many news skills
Becoming a PA will sharpen the skills you have, and create new ones you never knew you could possess. Being a PA involves patience, being outgoing, public speaking, thinking on your feet, organization and more; the list goes on and on. If you are looking to become an overall better and well-rounded person, being a PA is the perfect position to do so.
10. It stays with you
Hearing from previous PA's, being a PA can be beneficial in the future. I was told you keep the friends that you have made, and the skills you make as a PA help you in the working world. Saying you were a peer advisor will give you an edge to those that weren't.