Being the youngest in my family, I've slowly learned how to appreciate my older sister over the years. Here are the reasons she rocks (there are plenty more, I just couldn't think of all of them).
1.) They're down to drive you
Speaking from experience, this was more accurate when she just got her license and I was also like 13. Basically, when your older sister gets her license, she's willing to give you a ride. Now that I'm 19 and she's 22 and gas is expensive, we take turns driving. BUT when you don't drive and she just got her license and can only drive with you, you become a really good copilot.
2.) They're always down to order a pizza
Or Applebee's to-go. Before anyone learns how to cook, they learn the number to Domino's and (in our case) Sanford House of Pizza. Sisters are always down for not cooking and ordering in. Hearing the words "wanna order a pizza and split it?" can brighten anyone's day. It's also a great way to bond with your sister, just saying.
3.) They typically share the same interests with you
More bonding! My sister and I rarely liked the same things growing up, but now, we both like cats and Bob's Burgers. Having someone who relates so closely to you can really help bring you together and also brighten your mood. You can also relates things that happen in your day/life to your bonding show (Bob's Burgers).
4.) They'll be your comic relief at family gatherings
I believe it was Meme who once said, "these two do weird things" about my sister and me. Have you ever sat on the couch at a family gathering and just joked around with your sister? Because I have and it honestly makes it all worth it because your sister is the person who'll make you laugh the whole time and it creates memories to bring up later, which is an added bonus.
5.) They'll give you the advice you don't want but you know you need
From your outfit to that boy that just basically broke your heart, your sister has advice for you. And my advice to that advice is to listen to her, she knows what she's talking about. I know admitting this in an article that's gonna be posted on Facebook, it'll probably get printed out and hung around my house, BUT my sister has also been right with the advice she's given me. There, I said it.
6.) They're always ready for your drama
This one, is so true. Older sisters love drama, especially mine (sorry girl). Boy drama, friend drama, drama at work, your sister will definitely want to hear it and she'll probably have advice for you too. The cool thing about talking to your sister is that she won't judge you that harshly. She might call you dumb to begin with, but after she gets it out of her system, her advice will save the day.
7.) They'll laugh at your texts about how triggered you are
If you're reading a book that your sister has previously read and knows how it ends (cough cough Fifty Shades of Grey) she'll probably find how you react to the ending humorous, which it's a shitty ending so don't get excited. But my sister definitely found my reaction funny, and keeps telling me to continue reading the books.
8.) They'll always answer the phone calls where you're uncontrollably sobbing
I've made plenty of these phone calls and my sister has always answered. This is when having a sister really comes in handy because, sometimes, she's the only one who can relate what you're going though because, guess what, she's probably gone through it before you and knows what to do. And again, she won't judge you too hard.
9.) They support you endlessly
I don't think you can top my sister in this one. She flew home from North Carolina just to watch me graduate soooo my sister is better than yours. I'm just kidding, I'm sure your sister is great. Anyway, having your sister support you means that she won't miss a single dance recital, awards night or graduation day. The support I've received from my sister my whole life is something I'll always be thankful for because, sometimes, we couldn't always be there for each other, but we always made sure to text the other.
10.) They love you unconditionally
It may not seem like it all the time, but they do. Forget the fights and saying that you hate her, because in the end, having an older sister who loves you as much as mine loves me, means so much. My sister might deny that she loves me, but I know that she does and that's all that really matters because the feelings mutual, sis.