I'm so thankful to have you... even if you drive me insane daily. I have lots of friends, but none of them get me like you do. It's like we have this special connection that helps us to never get tired of each other, even after hanging out for multiple days straight. Here's a couple reasons why:
1. You know exactly what to say/do to get on my last nerve... and you can accomplish this faster than anyone we know.
Whether we're just hanging out or in a big group, sometimes people think we hate each other because of how upset we get, but the truth is, we just purposely annoy each other sometimes.
2. You're the only one who finds all the little details of my day interesting.
Whether it's on the phone, text, or in person, you always listen to me rehash the most trivial parts of my day in great detail with no complaints.
3. We have a secret language no one else understands.
We can have a full conversation with one look and no one else would even know what happened.
4. You know just how to cheer me up when I'm upset.
Typically this means getting me food, but when I need an encouraging word every once in a while, you always know just what to say.
5. You encourage me to be my best.
Anytime I'm getting ready to quit or just drop out of school all together, you are always there to pick me right back up again.
6. You get along with my family and put up with their craziness.
Whether it's five family reunions in a row, or Sunday dinners, you take it all in stride with no complaining.
7. You take care of me when I'm sick.
Anytime I'm feeling sick or have had a long day, you always know how to make me feel better, or you just sit and rest with me until I do.
8. You help me to overcome my disappointments.
When I make a bad test grade or I'm just struggling with something, you're always calming me down and helping me realize it's not the end of the world.
9. You keep my secrets.
You know more about me and any drama surrounding my life than you should.This would be a bad thing if I didn't know you could keep a secret better than anyone else.
... but most importantly,
10. You love me.
I know that sometimes I get "hangry", grumpy or stressed out, and you just keep on loving me through it.
Thanks for being my confidant, my comforter, and most importantly, my best friend. You bring so much joy and laughter into my life, and I don't know what I'd do without you.
Your Girl
P.S. Does this article make you want to take me on another Sushi Date?