I wanted to be Ms. Frizzle when I was a kid, and I still want to be her now. The woman taught us everything important about science (sorry, Bill Nye!). She's probably the coolest person ever, and there are a million reasons why, but here are the top 10.
1. Best job benefits. Ever.
The Magic School Bus can take you any when and anywhere! A practically-talking pet lizard whose name is a pun! Knowing a million celebrities and having them visit all the time! I didn’t think being a third grade teacher was so rewarding.
2. Those celebrities.
They showed up all the time! Wynonna Judd and Dolly Parton both were both featured as guest musicians, and Alex Trebek made an appearance as well. Oh, yeah, don’t mind me. I’m just an elementary school teacher, and I know a million famous people #nobigdeal.
3. She has no fear about anything.
The woman is not scared of anything! A spider almost eats her and she just laughs. Do you know what I’d be doing if a spider almost ate me? Screaming my head off. No, thank you.
4. She knows everything there is to know.
I can still remember learning why salmon swim upriver, and discovering how sound vibrations work and discovering the difference between hot-blooded animals and cold-blooded animals. This show was my research for every Elementary school science project that I did.
5. That red hair.
Ms. Frizzle is yet another redhead who captured our hearts when we were kids, along with Anne of Green Gables and Ariel the Little Mermaid. What I wouldn’t give to have her signature beehive look.
6. Her transformation superpowers.
Not only could the Magic School Bus take you anywhere, but it could change you into anything. She could made her class become bees or bats or salmon. I would love to transform into an animal at will. Ms. Frizzle only has the greatest super power of all time.
7. Her fantastic wardrobe.
Anyone who knows me in real life knows I love eccentric accessories. Ms. Frizzle seems to effortlessly have a wardrobe that coordinates with her lesson for the day. I’m still jealous of her earrings.
8. Unfailingly supportive.
9. The pun queen.
I know, I know. Carlos is the Pun Master of the show, but he had to learn it somewhere. If Ms. Frizzle can made a science pun, she will make a science pun. Guaranteed. I mean, they're literally in out of this world.
10. She is actual magic.
How else could she be so influential to our childhood? Ms. Frizzle always encouraged us to take chances, make mistakes, and get messy when everyone else told us to sit down and be quiet while we listened. Here's to you, Ms. Frizzle, and all you taught us.