Okay, I get it. We all hate to admit when our mom was right about something. She may have actually been onto something this time, though. No one gets along with their siblings all the time when they’re younger, but as you grow up a little, something changes. The bickering is (mostly) gone and it is replaced with a bond that could never quite form with anyone else. A sister is the best friend you could ever have, and here’s why:
1. You grew up around the same things.
You obsessed over the same movies, listened to the same music, maybe even read some of the same books. Overall, you each had a huge influence on the other's tastes. This sets you up for some great reminiscing in the years to come such as blaring old bands from your speakers and screaming your lungs out as your mom tells you both to shut up.
2. She’s seen you at your worst and still loves you.
How many other people have seen you every morning when you first wake up? I don’t know about you, but my “I Woke Up Like This” look is not one I would like to leave the house in.
3. You have constant access to her closet.
It’s like a 24-hour shopping mall right in your own home. If your sister is anything like mine, looking for a dress to borrow from her room will probably result in you finding half of your “missing” wardrobe.
4. You can ask her anything.
Whether it’s something as small as “which Instagram filter looks better?” or something more serious like “what on earth should I do with my life?," she will always have some input. I mean, she does know you better than anyone else.
5. You can ask her to do anything.
“I look nice today, can you take pictures of me?” “Can you drive me to Target?” "Can you buy me a coffee?”
6. No one else could understand your crazy family like she can.
She’s been by your side through all the fights, all the stories, and all the memories. There are some things that just can’t be explained with words, so no other friend could quite compare.
7. She’s always there for comic relief. ![]()
Whether you’re texting each other from across the room about how a family member’s haircut makes her look like a Beatles member, or you both decide to see if you can carry each other around a fancy restaurant, she’ll always be there for a laugh. Having your sister at family gatherings and during basic everyday activities can make them a bit more interesting.
8. You can tell her anything and everything
Without fear of her "tattling," which you both grew out of, hopefully. If one of us is being sneaky, the other one probably knows about it. Sorry, Mom. Not only that, but you can talk to your sister about all of your problems without fear of it spreading around. She's like your own personal therapist.
9. When everything else is falling apart, she will be your rock.
Maybe your family is slightly insane like mine (I'm kidding...a little), and she is there to keep you sane when you can't handle it any longer. Or maybe real crisis hits, and your sister decides to come home from college way more than she'd like so that she can be by your side whenever she's not in class. Your sister will always have the solution, even if it's just sitting around together all day in your pajamas.
10. She's not going anywhere.
You're stuck together, so make the most of it. You'll never have a friend quite like her.