10 Reasons Why I Love Texas
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10 Reasons Why I Love Texas

I have traveled far and wide but no where compares to The Lone Star State.

10 Reasons Why I Love Texas
Geena Shadle Orginal

Traveling has to be one of my favorite things to do especially being from a small town. As I have found myself all over the world a time or two, I have come to realized that "there is no place like home" or in better words "there is no place is like Texas." If you are not a Texas native or familiar with The Lone Star State, here is a list of reasons why I love Texas and I hope you might just love with it too.

1. Southern Hospitality.

A ton of things are great here in Texas but one of the greatest qualities is our Southerner's heart. We love to welcome you in with a warm smile and a big 'ole hug whether you like it or not. We love to make sure that you are treated right and you feel at home while you stay. You will hardly come across a Southern gentlemen without seeing a charming smile and some one who greets you with the tipping of his cowboy hat. (a little dramatic but I just wanted to shed humor to those who are not accustom to Texas ways). Someone will likely open the door for you and our slang consist of "Yes ma'am or No sirs". It is hard not to f"all head over heels in love" with this southern charm.

2. Everything is Bigger.

Here in Texas, we like to show off. Being a little loud and some what proud comes flowing through our Texas blood. We enjoy our vehicles lifted, our music loud and our windows down. Not only are our vehicles bigger but so some egos, hairstyles, and food servings. If you have not have a burger the size of Texas, you are missing out.

3. Country Music.

Every now and then you will find someone listening to Pop music or Rap but our southern tune happens to be Country Music. We love our traditional Classic country music and our modern Texas country music. George Strait, Garth Brooks, Johnny Cash, Dolly Parton, Willie Nelson, Carrie Underwood, Kenny Chesney, Keith Urban, Luke Bryan, Jason Aldean. Chris Stapleton, Florida Georgia Line are just a few to list. Country music is apart of who we are we listen in the shower, car, local food joints, bars and to boot scootin' events.

4. We Love Wildlife.

Wildlife is everywhere in Texas. Dirt roads are lined with Jackrabbits hopping along the side to deer hopping across the street. We love that our fields are grazed with cows, horses, goats and more. Not only do these beautiful creatures help us out but they provide meals and decor in some situations.

5. The Weather.

The weather in Texas has mood swings on the daily. The mornings start off hot while the evenings consist of heavy rainfall and crazy winds. Although this can be annoying here in Texas we like to enjoy what life throws our way. Often in flooding situations you can find people floating, waterskiing and fishing in the creeks. When the summer is in triple-digit numbers it only means more tan lines, cookouts and time out at the lake.

6. Faith.

Faith is one of the most important qualities to Texans because on every corner on every street you can likely find some kind of church. Whether it be your Southern Baptist, Catholic, or even your local bar... and that is no joke.

7. Sports.

If you do not play sports you are watching them. If family gatherings are not at the table, they are at football, basketball, volleyball, track or baseball events. You might always find a customized cushion seat tucked into the bed of someones truck or even catch someone wearing the local teams logo around town. Sports keep many happy and plenty of busy.

8. Sweet Tea.

Jesus turned water into wine and somehow the water in Texas got turned into sweet tea. Our jesus juice consist of the sweetest of sweet teas and coming in a variety of flavors found at local corner stores or your favorite lunch spot.

9. Texas Beauty.

Josh Abbott said it best, "If you have not seen an Abilene sunset yet, you aint met my Texas yet". Texas by far has some of the most BEAUTIFUL sunsets you will see. God painted the skies for sure and have the best show right in our backyard. We also have bluebonnets, River walks, Canons, Caverns, and more making the Lone Star State full of God's beauty.

10. Love.

Last but not least, the Love here in Texas is more beautiful than the rivers and bigger than the pickup trucks. As sarcastic and arrogant some Texans might come off, our biggest joy is in our relationships with others. You cannot go to the store without bumping into family or leaving without a with a new friend. We love community and hold tight into the relationships we build.

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