The summer before my freshman year of college, I was assigned a room just like everyone else. Then, I received an email from a girl saying her friends were all in the room I was assigned to and wanted me to switch with her. Of course, I agreed. Then, in my second room assignment another girl emailed me saying her best friend was my roommate and wanted to room with her. Again, I switched rooms not wanting to be thought of as a jerk. So, finally I received my final room assignment. I looked to see who my roommate and suitemates would be. Nothing but letters on a screen that created first and last names. I was beyond nervous to meet them.
During my first couple weeks of school, I really missed home. I was lonely and hated that I didn't know anyone. It took a lot of getting used to. Here I am now, a sophomore. I didn't think I'd last. Although there were a lot of things that got me through my first year, I owe a lot of my survival freshman year to my wonderful roommate. We were strangers and now she's one of my very best friends. To everyone reading this, I hope you find yourself blessed with an amazing roommate like mine!
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Monica, I hope this article makes it very clear to you that you are so important to me! Thank you for keeping me afloat! Here's 10 of the many reasons why I love having you as a roommate:
1. We laugh together
I'm pretty sure whenever we're together, one of us is laughing our ass off. If it isn't your high pitched laugh (with a snort added if you're really dying) then it's my "witch laugh" as you called it just a couple of nights ago. Many times, our laughs make each other laugh harder. Sometimes we laugh for literally no reason at all.
2. We cry together
Whether it's stress or boys, we can always cry to one another with no judgement. I've never been afraid to come to you when I need someone to lean on and think rationally for me. (Also, thanks for dealing with my ugly cry face featuring my snotty nose and puffy eyes... you da bestest!)
3. We compliment each other's weirdness
Honestly, we've never been normal but we're even weirder together. Usually it's our weirdness that leads to our laughter. From your obsession with Shrek to your love for Victor Baxter (yes the father from That's So Raven) to my sick ass dance moves and much more, we're very close to being admitted to the nearest psych ward.
4. You're always down to eat
Girllll, if I would have been placed in a room with someone who didn't love food as much as me... I probably would've had to move out. We're eating buddies and that's probably the best thing on earth. Taquitos, Friendly's, Ruby Tuesday's, pierogis, and Tony's wings are just a few of our many loves. Thanks for never judging me when I just need to stuff my face!
5. You always help me with my assignments
I constantly feel like pulling my hair out due to homework assignments and essays I have to write. However, I'm so grateful you're there to help me. You basically edit my papers and you help me with math when I just can't get it. You're really going to be a great teacher someday!
6. Venting sessions
Whenever I'm pissed off or irritated, I run straight to you. I love when we rant to each other because usually, we end up making an inside joke about it. Then it becomes funny and I forget about how mad I was before.
7. You're my late night pal
When 7 pm turns to midnight, you're usually the one I'm up with. Especially last year when we watched Forensic Files together or when we would have a late night snack together. Our best heart to heart conversations happen at night. "Tell me the story" lol!
8. You believe in me and encourage me
Whenever I think I'm going to fail a test, you tell me I'll do great. When I went for my job interview, you wished me good luck. When I am unsure of myself, you tell me to go for what I want. You're always on my side and you'll never know how wonderful that feels!
9. You accept me for who I am
No matter what I tell you, you still see me as the same person. You still value you me as a friend. And from what I've been through in my life, that means a lot.
10. You're you
Everything that makes you who you are is why I value you so much! You are intelligent, witty, and caring. You are a beautiful person inside and out. I'm so thankful for who you are because we compliment each other so well! I would never change a thing about you!
Thanks for sticking with me! I'm so glad we shared a room freshman year and that we're taking on our sophomore year together. I can't wait to make tons more memories together. Love yah Moni Wap!