My little has officially part of my life for almost a month now, and I am so grateful for her. She is the most amazing part of my life. I honestly do not know what I would do without her now that I have her.
1. She understands the depression and anxiety that sadly has been put into my life.
It is awful and really scary, but she's always there for me.
2. She understands my love for food. She's down for Mexican, Chinese, Pizza, she's always down.
3. She's also down for adventures whenever we're both really bored
Whether it's a buy one get one free big/little date to Starbucks or we go play "Pokémon Go" for hours.
4. She comes over to the sorority house and cuddles with me whilst we watch the nerdiest comedy shows on the internet
For example, "On The Spot" by RoosterTeeth on YouTube.
If you enjoy nerdy games like DnD or Skyrim or anything of that sort subscribe to RoosterTeeth, even if you don't enjoy nerdy games like that and you just enjoy comedy shows, "On The Spot" is awesome and totally worth checking out.
5. She also loves and appreciates Jon Risinger just as much as I do.
I mean look at that face and tell me he's not adorable.
6. She likes makeup and fun just as much as I do.
She doesn't judge me for having a full face of makeup even if my outfit is crappy. She's always like "Daaaaang big, you look good!" anytime I see her.
7. She gives the best, most comforting hugs, whenever I need her.
Whether I've had a bad day, we haven't seen each other in a while, or we're freezing out butts off outside at a football game, she's there.
8. She's there to comfort me
When I am crying over a stupid boy, stressed over school or not getting a position that I wanted, or I'm stressed out in general, no matter the case, she's there to comfort me.
9. She makes me want to get up and start my day
Especially when I'm having a terrible day and I do not want to go to class or even leave my room, she's there to call me when I'm down and make me feel better.
10. She loves me no matter whatShe thinks I'm beautiful, smart and so much fun. We're so awkward and it's great. We duet to broadway songs and have late night heart-to-hearts. She'll stay up way past her bed time, just to make sure I'm okay
Anyways, i LOVE YOU LITTLE, you're an amazing blessing to my life and I wouldn't want anyone else.