Let me preface this article with explaining Greek life at Grove City College. As I mentioned in my last article, (if you haven’t read it yet, click here) the sororities and fraternities at the Grove are not affiliated with national Greek groups. Over the years, Grove City College has ‘created’ eight original sororities, as well as many fraternities and male housing groups. Of course, my experiences with Greek life will be different from the experiences of those at state schools. Nonetheless, here are my top ten reasons why I love Greek life.
1. Relationships
Greek life is a great opportunity to meet a bunch of people and form really great and lasting relationships. Since I became a Theta, I have formed friendships with amazing girls I didn’t even know existed.
2. Service Opportunities
The Greek groups at Grove City place a large focus on service. Whether it is hosting a dance and donating all proceeds to a pregnancy center, writing notes to the housekeeping staff, or filling boxes for Operation Christmas Child, I have loved the different service opportunities that arose once I joined Greek life.
3. Formals
Food. Friends. Fancy dresses. Dancing. And lots of pictures. What could be better? Formals are such a fun time to get off campus and spend a night with friends. I went to a fair share of formals last semester and I can honestly say I had a blast at every single one of them.
4. Fall Parties
Similar to formals, but without the fanciness. Instead, you get a whole lot of flannel, blanket scarves, bean boots, and vests. Fall parties are great because it is a relaxed night off campus hanging with your closest friends and doing fun fall activities. This year, our fall party consisted of a bonfire, 100 foot slide, hamster wheels, painting pumpkins, and we ended the night with a scavenger hunt in Pittsburgh. What a blast!
5. Meetings
Most likely, you’re reading this and thinking, “What…” especially if you are in Greek life. Any meeting can be a drag. However, the weekly meetings for my sorority are my favorite part of the school week. I love being able to sit around with all of the members of the sorority, pray together, and talk about upcoming events and activities.
6. Greek Sing
Have you ever seen pitch perfect? Greek sing is basically the same…except not acapella…not as good….but a whole lot funnier. But actually, Greek Sing takes place on family weekend and it is a program where each fraternity, sorority, housing group, and even independent groups perform one song that they have spent weeks preparing the music and choreography for. It is a blast to watch every performance and it also brings some healthy competition to Greek life.
7. Dance Parties
I shouldn’t even have to explain this one. Who doesn’t love a good dance party? The sophomores in my sorority have taken it upon ourselves to have at least one dance party on the hall each week. They’re a great way to destress and just act completely stupid.
8. Traditions
Each group has their own set of traditions and rituals that make them unique. This past year, I have loved learning and taking part in all of the traditions my sorority has to offer.
9. Faith Community
My sorority places a heavy emphasis on faith. We strive to bring each other closer to Christ and schedule out multiple times week for to meet together in different groups for Bible studies or prayer. I have been so blessed by the faith community of this sorority and am constantly encouraged and challenged to dive deeper in my faith.
10. Unconditional Love
College is difficult and you are going to make mistakes. A wonderful fact of Greek life is the unconditional love amongst the members in a group. They understand you are flawed, and rather than condemning you for making a mistake, they wrap you in love and help you learn from the situation.
Greek life has been such a blessing in my life this semester. I am amazed when I look back and see how much I have grown from high school, last year, and even this past summer. I owe a lot of this growth to the girls in my sorority, for their constant push for me to be a better version of myself.