When I came to college, I was very against joining a sorority. I thought to myself that I would NEVER be a sorority girl. I would never be in a sorority because people join for artificial, cliche, and fake reasons. I didn't really think that sororities did anything except for what was portrayed in the movies. I, very soon, realized how wrong I was.
All of my friends from high school spent a full weekend at recruitment, while I went home and wished I was there with them instead. When Bid Day came around and I walked close to the quad and heard everyone yelling, I instantly became super jealous and very upset with the decision I made. I began talking to my high school friends a little more and seeing why they love their sororities. I realized that they did things to help other people, they didn't really party, and they still had time to do the things they needed to for school.
When January rolled around, I began to see that people were joining sororities again. I called one of my friends and she gave me the contact information for someone in Pi Beta Phi. I got in contact with them and I went to dinner one time and realized that I belonged with these girls. They were just like me, but we were all so different. I realized that I was supposed to be apart of that kind of relationship with people. When I finally got my bid in the Spring of 2015, I felt so amazing and so happy.
There are a million reasons I love being in a sorority, but here are my top 10.
1. I know there are always at least 100 girls who would be there for me or help me if I need it.
One thing my sorority likes to pride itself on is the fact that everyone is always there for each other. Even if you just need someone to come over and eat pizza with, there is always a girl who is down for that.
2. We all love food.
If you ask any girl in Pi Beta Phi to go eat with you, the answer is always yes. I don't really understand it, but everyone loves to eat and we're not afraid to eat in front of each other, which for some reason, is very amazing to me.
3. Our philanthropy is close to my heart.
Literacy is the philanthropy for Pi Beta Phi. "One in 4 children cannot read and to us, one is too many." We always tell people this during recruitment and we all wholeheartedly believe this and try to change it every day.
4. Everyone is the same, but very different.
We are all a very diverse group of girls. Some are girly, some are more of a tomboy. Some are very into politics, some could care less. Regardless of our view on things, we can all get along and have very interesting conversations.
5. Our philanthropy events are extremely fun.
This may sound kind of superficial, but we have fun while we raise money. I think my favorite event is "Pie a Pi Phi." We stand at the scramble light on campus all day and people can come pie us for $1 and we donate the money to our philanthropy. I may smell like spoiled milk for about a week, but I wouldn't want to do it with anyone else.
6. Everything becomes fun.
Honestly, just sitting watching TV becomes fun to me. I could be sitting with 3 people in a room, not talking to each other and I'm still having fun.
7. I have made my absolute best friends through my sorority.
My roommate, an old high school friend, and people from all around the state of Indiana and even from out of the state. I have made my best friends through this. I trust these people with my whole entire life. I know I can trust them and tell them anything
8. We get to participate and help other philanthropies besides our own.
Last year I participated in a philanthropy for Alpha Omicron Pi and had a blast. Yes, the money wasn't for our philanthropy, but it still went toward a cause worth fighting for.
9. There is always someone for you to study with.
No matter what, we are all students first, which means that we all study all the time. There is a multitude of majors within the sorority, but someone will always go to the library with you. If you don't want to go to the library, you can go to someone's house, or you can go to someone's dorm and study with them. There are plenty of people who will study with you and I think that is awesome.
10. Being in a sorority has made me into a better person.
I think my absolute favorite thing about being in a sorority is how much it has changed me into a better person. Being in a sorority has changed me for the better and I couldn't be more thankful. I have learned to think about others first instead of myself. I have learned many of things about myself and about others. I have learned how to respect others opinions of things without argument. I have learned how to be a respectable lady and how I can succeed in life.
My Aim is True to the Wine and Blue.