Joining a sorority had always been a plan of mine. As an innocent freshman, I loved the idea of sisterhood and matching t-shirts, but never could have imagined how important these girls would become to me. Fast forward to sophomore year. Recruitment was no longer about finding where I fit in, but rather about finding the closest thing to a miniature version of me. Lo and behold I found the perfect girl for me, but what I did not realize at the time was how much she'd make my day, every single day, from there on out.
I've got a million reasons why my little has been a blessing in my life, but there are 10 that really make my life on a day to day basis.
1. I never have to eat alone.![]()
If all of my friends and roommates are busy, I know my little is always down to get Chick-Fil-A with me, even if it's not on the diet we agreed to start 3 hours ago.
2. She's always there to pick me up when I'm down.
When I'm running on zero sleep and didn't brush my hair, she's always there ready with a compliment to brighten my day.
3. I'll always have a gym buddy.![]()
Or something like that. It's nice to know you won't be judged when you decide 20 minutes of walking on the treadmill is enough of your workout for the day.
4. She listens to me rant.
Sometimes I just need to complain about the rude girl in front of me at Starbucks and sometimes I face real problems. Regardless, she's always there to listen to me and make me feel sane.
5. She loves playing paparazzi.![]()
Go ahead, take that 674th picture of me in the same exact pose, the limit does not exist when we get to taking photos.
6. Shared Pinterest boards.![]()
Need I say more? Weddings, photo shoots, vacations, hair, makeup... she's nothing but an angel when it comes to my creative process. Thanks for always being on board.
7. She's down to dance the night away.
It doesn't matter if she has an exam the next day or an interview, you can always convince her to run through Fratland with you.
8. But, knows when to call it quits.![]()
While she may be the younger one, there's no question she has your best interests in mind. So, no matter how many times you beg for "one more song", she knows if it's time to go, it's time to go.
9. She trusts me to lead her.![]()
I'm happy to know that all the mistakes I have made can be lessons for my little. I know that she trusts me and looks to me for advice, which may be stupid on her part, but I feel better knowing I can help guide her.
10. She's always there for me.![]()
No matter what I need, whether I know I need it or not, she's always right there waiting and ready with open arms.