As a senior in high school, I was responsible for running my school's blood drives. Aside from learning about the importance of donating blood when you can (which you should!!!) I also learned about the importance of becoming a part of the bone marrow registry. As impactful as it was for me to learn about the registry, for some reason this wasn't enough to get me to actually go out and get swabbed. What got me to finally join was meeting several people in my life who were directly effected by the need for bone marrow. I know people who have donated and saved lives, as well as people who are alive and well today because of bone marrow donations. It took me actually knowing someone who saved a life, and someone who is alive today because of a donor, to finally join the bone marrow registry. My hope of this article is to show you why you should join, regardless of whether or not you have been personally impacted by the bone marrow registry.
1. To help save a life!
Thousands of people with blood cancers like leukemia and lymphoma, sickle cell anemia or other life-threatening diseases depend on the Be The Match Registry to find a match to save their life.
2. What if it was you?
What if you were the patient? Or a family member of yours? Wouldn't you want someone to help save their life?
3. It's a mitzvah to save a life!
If you end up being a match and donate to a patient, you are performing an unbelievable mitzvah!
4.You can inspire others to join as well.
Lead by example! Join yourself and then inspire others to do so as well!
5. It is so simple!
You don't even need to leave your home to get swabbed! A swab kit can be sent to your house and all you have to do is take a swab of your mouth and mail it back. That's it!!
6. By joining you will increase the registry and increase the chance of someone in need finding a match.
Even with millions of people in the registry, some patients still can't find a match. But by joining the registry, you are helping their chances!
7. The chances of you matching someone unfortunately are slim.
In fact, the chances of you being called to donate are 1 in 430 (Source: Even though the chances of matching are slim, the small chance you do could save a life.
8. If called to donate, it will only take a small amount of time to make a huge difference!
The typical time commitment for the donation process is 20-30 hours of your time spread out over a four-to-six-week period (
9. To be a good person.
I really can't think of a better deed than saving a life.
10. For people like Clara.
Check out her story by clicking on her name, you won't regret it!
For more information about joining the registry or to even donate money to the cause visit !!